History on Scholars
Skyway Dreams
Keywords for Latina/o Studies

Both Ana Celia Zentella and Jacqueline Delgadillo were raised in households where these two languages were spoken, a blend now commonly referred to as Spanglish.

What are English and Spanish?


This scholar uses bilingualism as a pedagogical tool in his work on literacy and code-switching.

Who is Ramón Antonio Martínez?


In the article, "No Sabo" kids are redefining their relationship to this language, blending it with English and cultural pride.

What is Spanish? 


Ana Celia Zentella critiques this common misconception that Spanglish is a form of laziness or linguistic incompetence.

What is the belief that Spanglish is “broken” or improper language?


This journalist, who explores cultural identity in her writing for Refinery29, identifies her household's bilingualism as Spanglish.

Who is Jacqueline Delgadillo?


This term refers to the practice of alternating between two or more languages in conversation, which some scholars believe should be viewed as a literacy strategy.

What is code-switching?


The Refinery29 article highlights how younger generations are embracing this evolving cultural and linguistic identity, despite not being fluent in their heritage language.

What is being a "No Sabo" kid?


Zentella emphasizes that Spanglish reflects the cultural and linguistic experience of this growing group in the U.S.

Who are U.S. Latina/os?


This professor, who grew up bilingual in New York, is Professor Emeritus at both the City University of New York and the University of California, San Diego.

Who is Ana Celia Zentella?


Skyway Dreams weaves together languages and identities, offering a reflection on this deeply personal and communal journey.

What are bilingualism and cultural identity?


Refinery29 discusses how "No Sabo" kids navigate the complexities of cultural heritage while dealing with this common criticism from fluent Spanish speakers.

What is language proficiency?


Zentella argues that Spanglish should be viewed not as a deficit, but as a marker of this, showing the ability to navigate multiple worlds and identities.

What is bilingualism and biculturalism?