what is leg in spanish
la pierna
what is purple
what is pen in Spanish
what color is a pig
say the pig is..
el cerdo es rosado
what is... my face has has eyes and eyes and mouth and nose
mi cara tiene ojos y oidos boca y nariz
what happens when red and green combine
the result is yellow
what is the door is brown in spanish
la puerta es cafe
the mouse was in my house
el raton estaba en mi casa
what is my ears and arms have hair
mi orejas y brazos tienen pelo
what happens when blue and red are mixed say it in Spanish
what is the chalkboard has many scratches on it
la pizarra tiene muchos rasgunos en ella
la vaca es blanco y negro
the cow is white and black
mi los ojos son coloridos in english
my eyes are colorful
if Miss. Smith wants her classroom magenta what colors does she have to mix in Spanish
red and blue
rojo and azul
what is the notebook came with a pencil and 2 erasers
el cuaderno vino con un lapiz y dos borradores
what is the fish is blue
el pez es azul
what is.. my hair is blue
mi el pelo es azul
what is gold in Spanish
think think think
what is the calender has a map and came with a book + a pen
el calendario tiene un mapa y viene con un pluma
what is the elephant is 5 years old and is gray in spanish
el elefante es tiene cinco anos es gris