how do you say I did
Yo hice
Yo me ducho
What is I take a shower
what is the ball
gafas de sol
what is sunglasses
la cara
what is the face
how do you say I talked
Yo hable
Tu te cepillas tu pelo
What is You brush your hair
un jonron
what is a home run
la playa
la cabeza
what is the head
how do you say you skiied
tu esquiaste
Ella se maquilla
What is this meaning:
yo pasa balon y encesto
What is I pass the ball and make it into the basket
what is shorts
la pie
what is the foot
how do you say she dived/snorkeled
Ella buceo
Yo me duermo con mi familia
What is I sleep with my family
el campo de baseball
what is the baseball field
what is a sun hat
la mano izquierda
what is the left hand
how do you say we spent time with our family
Nosotros pasamos con mi familia
Yo me siento a las escuela con mis amigos
What is I sit at school with my friends
Yo batea la pelota
What is I hit the ball
la mano derecha