Esta persona trabaja en la escuela.
profesor/a, maestro/a
This famous abuela records YouTube videos cooking her own Latin American dishes.
Doña Ángela
¿Cómo se dice "I want to be an artist" en español?
Yo quiero ser artista.
The false cognate "largo" looks like "large" in English, but it actually means...
Conjugate the verb "hablar" in the tu form (present).
Esta persona ayuda a construir los puentes (bridges) y los edificios (buildings).
ingeniero OR arquitecto
This Mexican food wrapped in corn husks contains maíz, carne, and chiles.
los tamales
¿Cómo se dice "Joey doesn't know the answer" en español?
Joey no sabe la respuesta.
You might feel embarrassed if you use the false cognate "embarazada" wrong because it actually means...
Conjugate the verb "tener" in the yo form (present).
Esta persona cura el dolor.
enfermero/a OR medico/a
Primarily spoken in the northeastern region of Spain called Cataluña, this language is a mix of Spanish, French, and Italian.
¿Cómo se dice "Yasmin searches for her cat" en español?
Yasmin busca su gato.
The false cognate "sopa" is not something you use to wash your hands.
Conjugate the verb "to say" in the el/ella/usted form (present).
Esta persona trabaja en el jardín.
In la corrida de toros, this brave person puts on a show in the arena by going head-to-head with a bull.
How does one say "Yo tengo que decirte algo" in English?
I have to tell you something.
The false cognate "recordar" is not something you do with your phone, but with your brain!
to remember
Conjugate the verb "to scream/yell" in the nosotros form (present).
Esta persona navega el mar (the sea) en un barco.
This small, yet courageous person raises their hand to signal that the castell is complete.
¿Cómo se dice "Sit down!" en español?
The false cognate "carpeta" refers to this handy school tool...
Conjugate BOTH of the verbs "ser" and "estar" in the yo form (present).
soy, estoy