T/F Hoy es lunes. Mañana es miercoles.
What is "False"?
Which one is a command? Encantado, Por favor, Sientanse, buenas tardes.
What is "sientanse"?
T/F “iNos vemos!” is one way to say good-bye to friends.
What is "True"?
¿Como te llamas?
What is "Me llamo ____"?
Express the time in Spanish. 6:45
What is "siete menos cuarto"?
Which word is feminine? lapiz, mano, profesor, pie
What is "mano?
Translate: iAbran el libro!
What is "Open the book!"?
Greeting or farewell? iHasta luego!
What is "farewell"?
¿Como te llamas?
-Me llamo Karla. _____?
What is "Y tu"?
Que dias es lunes?
What is "Monday"?
T/F Nouns that end with “o” are usually masculine and those that end with “a” are usually feminine.
What is "True"?
Which one is not a classroom command? ¡Levantanse! ¡Entreguen sus papeles! ¡Encantado! ¡Saquen sus papeles!
What is "¡Encantado!"?
Translate: Good evening/night
What is "buenas noches"?
¿Cómo estás?
What is "Bien, gracias"?
What time is 3:30?
What is "Tres y media"?
Which word does not belong?
nariz, pupitre, cabeza, mano
What is "pupitre"?
What does "cierran los libros" mean?
What is "close your books"?
iBuenas tardes, señor!
-Buenas tarde, Carlos. ¿Cómo estás?
-Muy bien. ¿______?
What is "Y usted?"?
¿Cual no es un mes? mayo, enero, agosto, miercoles
What is "miercoles"?
Which is not a school supply? Brazo, pupitre, carpeta, cuaderno
What is "brazo"?
"Mucho gusto" means ______.
"Thank you", "pleased to meet you", good-bye,
What is "pleased to meet you"?
What is Sr. Vicente first name?
What is "Kevin"?
What is "julio"?