Go Verbs/Questions
Saber y Conocer
Preterite Tense
Seasons, Months, Days of the Week, and #'s
Articles, Possessive Adjectives and Direct Object Pronouns
From the following list, which verbs are "go" verbs?
Tener Hablar Vivir Decir Caer Vestir Hacer Salir Pensar Lavar Venir Poner
Both of these verbs mean "to know". When do we use each of these verbs?
Saber--when we are talking about knowing information or knowing how to do something Conocer--when we are talking about knowing a person or being familiar with a specific place
Fill in the blanks with the correct preterite key word and preterite verb form: Hoy, yo toco música. (yesterday) ____________________, yo ____________________ música.
Ayer, yo toque (e with an accent) musica. *tocar is a -car verb and has a c-->qu change in the yo form of the preterite tense
What are the 4 seasons in Spanish beginning with spring and going in order? Be sure to include the correct articles
la primavera el verano el otono el invierno
What are the direct object pronouns in Spanish?
me te lo, la nos os los, las
Conjugate the following "go" verb": poner
pongo pones pone ponemos poneis (accent on the e) ponen
What are the "yo" forms of saber and conocer?
Saber: yo se (e with an accent) Conocer: yo conozco **Regular verbs except in the yo form
Fill in the blanks with the correct preterite key word and preterite verb form: Hoy, ella leo un libro. (last night) ____________________, ella ____________________ un libro.
Anoche, ella leyo (o with an accent) un libro *leer is an irregular verb in the preterite tense
What are the days of the week in Spanish beginning with Monday?
lunes martes miercoles jueves viernes sabado domingo **Notice that the days of the week are NOT capitalized in Spanish
Replace the following direct objects with their corresponding direct object pronoun: ________ las manzanas ________ el hombre ________ la chaqueta ________ los perros ________ nuestras casas ________ mi ropa ________ tu gato ________ tú
las lo la los las la lo te
Answer the following question in a complete sentence: ¿De dónde eres?
Soy de..._______
Decide whether to use saber or conocer in this sentence and use the correct conjugated form: Marco y Ana _________________________ a mi prima Angela.
conocen (talking about knowing a person, Angela)
Fill in the blanks with the correct preterite key word and preterite verb form: Hoy, las chicas viven en Massachusetts. (last year) ____________________, las chicas ____________________ en Massachusetts.
El ano pasado, las chicas vivieron en Massachusetts.
List the months of the year in order in Spanish (spelling must be close in order to count!)
enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre
What are the possessive adjectives in Spanish?
mi/mis nuestro/nuestros/nuestra/nuestras tu/tus vuestro/vuestros/vuestra/vuestras su/sus su/sus
Answer the following questions in complete sentences: ¿Cómo eres? (3 descriptions) ¿Cómo es tu familia? (3 descriptions)
Soy...(ex: amable, feliz, y trabajadora--for a girl) Soy...(ex: perezoso, gracioso, y simpatico--for a boy) Mi familia ES...(ex: grande, alta, y contenta) **remember that "familia" is feminine so the adjectives must be feminine
Decide whether to use saber or conocer in this sentence and use the correct conjugated form: Tú no _________________________ qué hora es.
sabes (talking about knowing information, specifically what time it is)
Fill in the blanks with the correct preterite key word and preterite verb form: Hoy, yo tengo mucha tarea. (last month) ____________________, yo ____________________ mucha tarea.
El mes pasado, yo tuve mucha tarea. *tener has an irregular stem in the preterite tense (tuv-) and therefore takes the irregular stem set of endings too
Write out the following numbers: (spelling must be close in order to count!) 23 58 86
veintitres or veinte y tres cincuenta y ocho ochenta y seis
Add the appropriate article or possessive adjective in front of each noun below to make the English translation true: ___________ gatos = “the cats” ___________ bicicletas = “the bicycles” ___________telefono = “my telephone” ___________ vestido = “her dress”
los las mi su
Answer the following questions in complete sentences: ¿Qué tienes que hacer hoy? ¿Cuantos años tienes?
Tengo que....(ex: estudiar para mis examenes) *Tengo que must be followed by an infinitive, not a conjugated verb Tengo ______ años. (ex: Tengo quince años)
Decide whether to use saber or conocer in this sentence and use the correct conjugated form: Vosotros _________________________ Nueva York muy bien.
conoceis (accent on the e) *talking about knowing/being familiar with a specific place
Fill in the blanks with the correct preterite key word and preterite verb form: Hoy, tú conduces el carro. (last night) ____________________, tú ____________________ el carro.
Anoche, tú condujisteis el carro. *conducir is a "j-stem" verb in the preterite tense--its stem is "conduj" and then takes the irregular stem endings
Write out the following numbers in Spanish: 14 100 1000 2017
catorce cien mil dos mil diez y siete (or dos mil diecisiete)
Add the appropriate possessive adjective or article in front of each noun below to make the English translation true: ___________ camisa = “your shirt” ___________ manzana = “an apple” ___________ verduras = “some vegetables” ___________ platos = “our plates”
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