Body parts (Spanish)
What is la mano
The hand
What is the arm
El brazo
La mano
Como estas?
How are you
What is finger nail
Una del dedo
What is el pelo
The hair
What is the foot
El pie
Como te sientes?
How are you feeling?
What is ear
What is la boca
The mouth
What is the stomach
La Fiebre
Que duele?
What hurts
What is leg
La pierna
What is el ojo
The eye
What is the finger
El dedo
cuando te gustaria esto?
When would you like this?
What is shoulder
El hombro
What is la nariz
The nose
What is teeth
El diente
Dolor de cabeza
Donde pudendo llamarte?
Where can I call you?
What is the brain?
El cerebro