Translate to Spanish: I will live in Costa Rica.
Yo viviré en Costa Rica.
Translate to Spanish: I will eat chicken.
Comeré pollo.
Translate to Spanish: I will play with Pedro.
Jugaré con Pedro.
Translate to Spanish: You will need the money.
Necesitarás el dinero.
Translate to Spanish: They will arrive at five.
ellos llegarán a las cinco
Translate to Spanish: You (informal) will talk about sports.
Hablarás de deportes
Translate to Spanish: She will run every day.
Ella correrá cada día.
Translate to Spanish: We will see a movie.
Veremos una película
Translate: We will study the verbs.
Estudiaremos los verbos.
Translate to Spanish: They will open the door.
Ellos abrirán la puerta.
Translate to Spanish: You will have three daughters.
Tendrás tres hijas.
Translate to Spanish: Javier will go out with his girlfriend.
Javier saldrá con su novia.
Translate to Spanish: He will be very nice.
Será muy simpático (amable).
Translate to Spanish: We will go to the library.
Iremos a la biblioteca.
Translate to Spanish: He will say hello.
él dirá hola
Translate to Spanish: They will know that he will come at 5.
Ellos sabrán que él vendrá a las cinco.
Translate to Spanish: You (Uds.) will tell the truth.
Uds. dirán la verdad.
Translate to Spanish: You (Ud.) will do the homework.
Ud. hará la tarea.
Translate to Spanish: He will have a lot of information.
Tendrá mucha información.
Translate to Spanish: You (tú) will be able to speak Spanish well.
Podrás hablar bien el español
Translate to Spanish:Angelica and I will put our backpacks in my car.
Angelica y yo pondremos nuestras mochilas en my carro.
Translate to Spanish: The house will be worth a lot of money.
La casa valdrá mucho dinero.
Translate to Spanish: You all (vosotros) will come to his party.
Vosotros vendréis a su fiesta.
There will be a lot of stores near their house.
Habrá muchas tiendas cerca de su casa.
Translate to Spanish: They will want to have a short class.
Querrán tener una clase corta.