What is the verb to know places or people?
What is the singular formal conjugation for "escriber"?
Use informal language with fellow friends and colleagues. Those who we regularly talk with informally.
Why use informal verbs in spanish?
No me digas.
What is the negative tu form of decir?
What is the verb for knowing information or facts?
What is the plural formal conjugation for "Aprender"?
Como estas?
What is a common way we use informal spanish verbs every day?
no salga
What is the negative ud. form of "sailr"?
What is the ir irregular formal verb?
What is the irregular conjugation for conocer?
Use the 1st person singular of the Present Tense, drop the -o, and use the other ending.
-ar verbs will use -e or -en
-er and -ir verbs will use -a or -an
How do you conjugate a verb to its formal tense?
No salgas
What is the negative tu for "salir"?
What is the informal irregular verb for "Venir"?
Saber and Conocer are both used to express knowledge of a matter.
What is the common similarity between conocer and saber?
Convert volver to its first tense. Vuelvo, then change o to a. Vuelva is the answer.
How would you conjugate volver to it's singular formal tense?
What is the Affirmative informal command for "encontrar"?
no escuches
What is the negative tu form of "escuchar"?
What is the irregular informal verb "hacer"?
I know how to cook
What does "Yo sé como cocinar" mean in English?
Use formal tense to talk with elders and those whom we all respect. It is important in conveying your respect through the formal tenses.
Why use formal tenses and why is it important?
Convert the verb into it's respective tu form.
How do you convert a verb to informal?
no escuche
What is the ud. negative form of "escuchar"?
What is the irregular informal verb for "poner"?