what do you call a group of boys
what is this in spanish -i
what is this in spanish - a,an,some
wat is this in spanish- i like
me gusta
what is before me gusta if you want to put emphasis on me gusta
a mi
what is this is spanish- i am
what is this in spanish -you
what is plural for males in spanish
what is this in spanish - we like
nos gustan
what is before nos gusta if you want to put emphasis on nos gusta
a nosotros
what is this in spanish - we are
what is this in spanish - she/he
what is plural for women in spanish
what is this in spanish - you like
te gusta
what is before te gusta if you want to put emphasis on te gusta
A ti
what is this is spanish - he/ she / it is
what is this in spanish - they
what is plural for a,an,some, in spanish
unos, unas
what is this in spanish- he/she likes
le gusta
what is before le gusta if you want to put emphasis on le gusta
a el,ella,usted
what is this is spanish - they are
ellos son
what is this is spanish - we
if a word ends with a vowel and you want to make it plural and it is masculine add _______
what is this in spanish- they like
les gusta
what is before les gusta if you want to put emphasis on les gusta
A ellos/ellas/ustedes