Yo comí la pizza antes el almuerzo
What is, I ate pizza before lunch
You practiced basketball
What is tú praticaste basquetból
He walked to school yesterday
What is él caminó a la escuela ayer
We read for book club yesterday. (book club-el grupo de lecture)
What is nosotros leimos para el grupo de lecture ayer
Ellos fuiron a Bahamas para el vacaciones
What is they went to the Bahamas for vacation
I went to the beach with my friends
What is yo fui a la playa con mis amigos
Tú viste Carros dos por primera vez (vez-time)
What is you saw Cars 2 for the first time
He ate a hamburger and fries
What is él comió un hambuergsa y las papas fritas
Nosotros jugamos el futból de americano
They bought food for the dog
What is ellos compraron comida para el perro
Yo fui con mi hermano ayer en el parque
What is I was with my brother yesterday in the park
You were sick last week
What is tú fuiste enfermo la semaña pasado
Jacob corrió en la clase de educacíon física
What is Jacob ran in P.E. class
We returned to class
What is nosotros volvimos a clase
The leaves fell from the tree (Leaves=Las Hojas)(Tree=el árbol)
What is Las Hojas cáeron de el árbol.
Last period, I wrote my essay en Spanish class
What is último periodo, yo escribí mi ensayo en la clase de español
Tú empiezas caminar más
What is you started to walk more
Aaron vió una pelicuna en el cine
What is Aaron watched a movie in a theater
Nosotros volamos en el auropuerto.
What is we flew on the airplane.
They looked for their dog (to look-buscar, their-su)
What is ellos buscaron a su perro
I had pancakes yesterday for breakfast
What is yo tuve los panqueques ayer para el desayuno
Tú hiciste un buen trabajo (hisciste-you did)
What is you did a good job
He lied down after his basketball game
What is él se acostó después de su practíca de basquétbol
Nosotros buscamos en el supermecado para el leche y las galletas
What is we looked in the supermarket for milk and cookies
They had sandwiches with meat
What is ellos tuvieron los sándwiches con la carne