Who has won the most bingos in the class?
Who talks to much in this class?
¿Quién es amigo de coco?
What is the most recent thing (the name)
14 de diciembre
What is the 4 word phrase repeated multiple times in the song?
De America yo soy
How many bingo card numbers are there?
Who yells to much when they lose or win in bingo?
Quein es el perro de coco's?
What is the topic of 30 de noviembre?
Ad investigating.
How many times does the sentence "De America...yo soy." Is repeated in the song America?
6 times
How many bingo cards are there ACTUALLY?
Who wanted to watch Coco when we were supposed to be doing class work and not Coco and in the first place we weren't even supposed to watch Coco, it was a little thing the teacher put in because of Day of the dead.
Ayana and Heart. (100 extra bonus points to every person you guess that isn't Heart or Ayana).
Cual es la cancion que toca Coco?
Proud Corazon
How many topics are there in 14 de deciembre?
How many lines are there in the song?
30 lines
What is the exact date and time that the bingo was inserted into onenote?
Miercoles, de vientisiete de octubre, de 10:16 AM.
Who says "Hello spinich class" every time they walk into the classroom?
Quien bendijo a Miguel?
Hector y Imelda
How many different topics are there in 13 de deciembre? (100 extra points for each persons name you guess correctly).
What are the 6 cognates in the song : America
Colores, Continente, Diferente, Norte, Imágenes, Flores
Card 13 : B1, I3, G4, O2, N5. (What are the things on each of those letter numbers)? EX : La alumna
La guitarista, La bloguera, El cicalista, bilingue, Los componearos de clase.
Who is bullied by Manas and which 2 people play videos/memes while in class?
Saijith, David, and
Who are the first 3 people in the family of Coco?
Imelda, Hector, y Coco.
What are the names of the people in 10 de deciembre?
Andrew, Sofia, Brody, Charlie.
What is every line that holds each cognante in the song America?
3, 19, 21, 9, 2, 3.