Fill In Blank
Many Choices
Find The Mistake

What is the function of Como te llamas?

To ask someone's name 


Me llamo ____. What would go in the blank?

Your Name 


Little Timmy Turner asked his parents "Como te llamas" but Mr. and Mrs. Turner do not know what it means. What does it mean? Your Name or What Is Your Name?

What is your name


Jomany Crocket (spelt wrong on purpose to avoid copyright issues) asks Peonikeo (again spelt wrong on purpose) "Como te llamas" and Peonikeo says "Yo naci en Peonikeo" Peonikeo's tounge (changed from nose to tounge for copyright) flung out of his mouth and Jomany knew he was lying about not knowing what he was supposed to say. What was the mistake Peonikeo made?

He said what month he was born in (yo naci en) instead of saying what his name was (me llamo)


What is the function of tienes apodo?

To ask for someone's nickname


Me gusta _____. What would go there?

An activity you like to do


Gumball Watterson Asked His Best Friend Darwin "Cuantos anos tienes?" but Darwin only knows Japanese. What should Darwin respond with? Yo naci en or Yo tengo anos

Yo tengo anos


Maieo (changed due to nintendo being strict bois) was talking to Wegie (again nintendo is super strict and wont let people use the real names) and asked Wegie "Como eres?" Wegie responded with "Me gusta" what was Wegie supposed to say?

Yo soy ___


What is the function of Cuando es tu cumpleanos?

To ask for someone's birthday info


Mi cumpleanos es el ___ de ____. What goes inside the blank?

Your Birthday Information


Spongebob wanted to greet his fellow neighbor Squidward by asking him "Donde fuiste a la primaria?" but Squidward is too mad at Patrick to remember. What does Squidward have to say to make his little neighbor move? What his name is or what elementry school he went to

What elementry school he went to


Freddy Fazbear is bored and jumpscares Foxy by yelling "Cuantos anos tienes?" but in animatronic language but Foxy assumes Freddy meant "Como te llamas" what does Cuantos anos tienes mean?

What is your age?


What is the function of Como eres?

To ask someone to describe their personality


Yo soy ____. What goes inside the blank?

Personality Trait


Scoobert Scooby Doo is wondering what Shaggy's favorite thing is so he asks Shaggy "¿Que te gusta hacer?" But Shaggy is too busy stuffing his face with 10 million hamburgers filled with mustard and needs to complete them all to find out. What will Shaggy say to Scooby when he is done? What his favorite hobby is or what elementry school he went to

What is his favorite hobby


Pac-Man asked Blinky "Donde fuiste a la primeria?" but Blinky responds with "Yo tengo anos" What is Blinky supposed to say.

Yo fui a _________


What is the function of Qué te gusta hacer?

To ask someone what they like to do


Mi _____ favorito. What goes inside the blank?

Favorite thing from catagory.

Wee old Keian has forgotten how to respond to "¿Cual es tu ____ favorito?" and asks Michelle for an answer. Michelle tells him what it is. What will Michelle say? Yo soy or Mi favorite es

Mi favorito es


Jake from state farm is getting a ton of money from a little boy because Jake helped his mom pay off her car loans. Jake asks the little boy "Cuantos anos tienes?" but the little boy says "Yo naci en" what did Jake mean?

What is your age?