Crossing the Atlantic
A New World
Impact of Colonisation
A Spanish Empire
The Spanish Settle
In 1492, this Italian explorer sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean and into history.
Christopher Columbus.
As Columbus landed, what did he rename the island he "discovered?" What country's flag flew over this new territory?
Columbus named the island San Salvador (Holy Savior) and claimed it under the flag of Spain.
How did the colonisation of the New World affect other places in the world? Particularly, Africa.
As the indigenous peoples died off due to disease, the work force for the plantation system was greatly reduced. This resulted in European colonisers to look to Africa to replace the slave labor that was diminishing in the New World. By the 1800s, nearly 10 million Africans had been traded into slavery to sustain the overseas European agricultural economy.
Searching for precious metals and treasure, these Spanish explorers are best known for conquering a large part of the Americas. Their Spanish influence is still pervasive and widespread in the culture of the modern Americas.
Conquistadors (conquerors).
This is the name of peoples who are of mixed native and Spanish blood.
What was Columbus' goals for sailing across the Atlantic Ocean?
To find a passage to India and Asia.
What is the origin of how Native Americans became known as Indians?
As Columbus landed, he was convinced that he had landed on the islands just outside of Asia, or what was typically known as The Indies during that period. Thus, he named them Indians and the moniker has stuck ever since.
How did the early colonisation of the Americas effect the population of Europe?
As Europeans discovered that there were new lands across the Atlantic Ocean, a massive surge in migrations began as people looked to the New World to expand their life opportunities. This new race for expansionism, however, caused friction between the major European powers as they competed for sovereignty over the new lands.
Landing on the shores of Mexico in 1519, this spanish conquistador is historically responsible for the collapse of the Aztec empire.
Hernan Cortes.
This economic system was the Spanish practice of exploiting native peoples for their labor in agricultural and mining applications.
Encomienda system. The system was eventually abolished in 1542 after criticism from Spanish religious missionaries. The indigenous labor force was subsequently replaced by slaves from Africa.
What was the name of Columbus' three ships?
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria.
In all, how many voyages did Columbus make across the Atlantic?
Columbus made four voyages across the Atlantic in total.
What was the name of the 1494 agreement between Spain and Portugal that settled on equal division of the land in the Western Hemisphere?
Treaty of Tordesillas.
What was the name of the Aztec capital city?
Following Cortes plundering and enslavement of the Aztec native populations in the north, this other Spanish conquistador began to do the same with the Inca civilization in the south in 1532.
Francisco Pizarro
Christoper Columbus was of Italian birth and nationality, but the expedition to cross the Atlantic was financed and funded by which European power?
Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile; Spanish Rulers.
What effects did the discovery and subsequent colonisation of the New World have on the indigenous peoples of Hispaniola (modern day Haiti and Dominican Republic) and the Caribbean?
As European colonizers moved into The Americas, they saw a significant opportunity for economic benefit by exploiting major agricultural crops through the use of the plantation system, an economy based in mass agricultural production. To accomplish this, they utilized forced labor of the native population to work the plantations, in what essentially amounted to slavery. In addition, the native people (Taino) did not carry any natural immunities to diseases that European peoples had already developed. This caused a large percentage of the indigenous population to succumb to various diseases.
What was the name of the new trading economy that sprouted from the colonisation of the Western Hemisphere and traded agricultural goods and livestock between the New and Old worlds.
The Columbian Exchange.
Who was the Aztec emperor during the era of the Spanish conquests of the the Americas?
Moctezuma II (Montezuma, as your book puts it).
Once the Spanish had established an expansive empire in the Americas, which included present day Mexico, Guatemala, territories in South and Central America, and the Caribbean, what was the name they gave to these newly conquered lands?
New Spain.
Also known as "the noble ones," his was the name of the indigenous people that Columbus first encountered when he landed.
Taino, also known as Lucayan, or Arawak peoples. Native population of the Caribbean region.
What diseases did the Europeans unknowingly bring with them?
Measles, mumps, chickenpox, smallpox, typhus, to name a few.
What were some of the major goods that were exchanged during the Columbian exchange?
From the America: Sweet Potato, Corn, Peanuts, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Tobacco, Pineapple, Cacao Bean, Avocado, etc. From Europe and the East: Livestock (cows, pigs, sheep, horses), grapes, bananas, olives, coffee, citrus, sugar cane, to name a few.
What was the ultimate outcome of the Spanish contact with the Aztecs?
Initially, the Aztecs did their best to placate the Cortes (as they though he was a god), but they very quickly realized that his intentions were impure and they rebelled against the conquistadors, with Moctezuma II being killed in the process. The Conquistadors, with their superior weapons technology quickly defeated any resistance from the Aztecs. This, paired with the onset of disease among the native population forced the Aztec empire to crumble and surrender to the Spanish.
Beginning in 1513, this Spanish conquistador conquered areas of modern day Florida, eventually leading to the Spanish creation of St. Augustine, one of the oldest settlements in modern day United States.
Ponce de Leon.