What number is less then 50 and more than 48
What is cuarenta y nueve
Multiple choice: 99: A. Noventa y neuve; B. Novanta y nueve; C. Noventa y nueve; D. None of the above
What is C
How old are you?
What is ...
Multiple choice: 14: A. Cuatro; B. Catorce;
C. Cuarenta; D. None of the above
What is B
What is the answer to "Cuando es tu cumpleaños?"
What is: Mi cumpleaños es el ___ de ________.
How do you say 22 in Spanish
What is veintidos
Spell 22
What is vientidos
How many days left is there in school? (185 - 20)
What is ciento sesenta y cinco
How do you say 33 in Spanish
What is treinta y tres
What is treinta
¿Cual es tu número de teléfono?
What is: Es el ______-_______-_______
The number is between cuarenta y ocho and cincuenta
What is Cuarenta y nueve
What is (44-22+3) x2 = MUST SPELL IT OUT CORRECTLY!!
What is cincuenta