I am
They are (Masc\Mixed)
What is "Ellos son"?
Sydney and Charlotte are...
What is "Ellas son.."?
What is "Adjective in spanish"?
He is
What is "Eĺ es"?
They are (Femme)
What is "Ellas son"?
Leo and Martin are..
What is "Ellos son.."?
Me gusta correr
What is "I like to run"?
Elena is artistic.
What is "Ella es artístico."
She is
What is "Ella es"?
We are (Masc\Mixed)
What is "Nosotros somos"?
Lucas is..
What is "Eĺ es.."?
Bailey likes to swim.
What is "a ella le gusta nadar"?
Joel is lazy.
What is "eĺ es perezoso"?
You are (Informal)
What is "Tú eres"?
We are (Femme)
What is "Nosotras somos"?
Junie is...
Logan likes to sing.
What is "le gusta cantar"?
Nathan and Katrina are talented.
What is "Ellos son talentosos"?
You are (Formal)
What is "usted"?
You all are (Femme)
What is "Vosotras sois"?
Kapri and Adrian are..
What is "Ellos son.."?
You like to dance. (formal)
What is "A usted le gusta baliar"?
Poppy and Natalie are pretty.
What is "Ellas son bonitas"?