02 in Spanish
What is Dos?
The phrase you tell your parents when you see them in the morning.
What is Buenos dias?
Spanish people do this when they meet close family and friends
What is kiss each other on both cheeks?
Como estas?
Muy bien/Regular/Mal?Chevere/Asi/Asi
Monday in Spanish.
What is lunes?
8 in Spanish
What is Ocho?
The word or phrase you tell your friend to thank them.
What is gracias?
The first day of the week on the Spanish calendar.
Como te llamas?
Me llamo...
Sunday in Spanish.
What is domingo?
13 in Spanish
What is Trece?
The answer you give when someone asks how are you?
What is "Muy bien/Mal/Regular or Chevere"
The name of the decorated ball people hit with sticks while their eyes are covered at a birthday party
What is a pinata?
Cuantos anos tienes?
Friday in Spanish
What is viernes?
23 in Spanish
What is veintitres?
Tell your best friend bye.
What is "cnau"?
The decorated ball filled with sweets that people hit with a stick while blindfolded.
What is a piƱata?
Que fecha es hoy?.
Hoy es el cuatro (4) de marzo.
Friday in Spanish.
What is viernes?
31 in Spanish
What is treinta y uno?
How does your cousin introduce you to her friend John?
What is "Este es John"?
Girls wear a pretty dress and go to a special party on this birthday.
What is quincenara?
Cuando es mi cumpleanos?
Mi cumpleanos es el .... de .....
Weekend in Spanish?
El fin de semana