All reflexive verbs in the infinitive end in what reflexive pronoun?
How would you describe the use of a reflexive verb?
What is When the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb?
Present Progressive is the what ending of spanish?
Acostarse means what?
to go to bed
He showers in the morning
Él se ducha en la mañana.
What is the yo pronoun for reflexive verbs
What is the tú pronoun for reflexive verbs
Translate to Spanish: I am swimming
Estoy nadando
I dress myself.
Is "I put my sister to bed reflexive?" Why?
No- receiver and doer are 2 different people
What is the nosotros pronoun for reflexive verbs
Translate: peinarse
Translate: I am going to the park on Saturday
Voy al parque el sábado
"El Cepillo" in English
The Brush
She washes the dishes and washes her hair- traduce
Ella lava los platos y se lava su pelo.
Translate: despertarse
To wake up
Translate to Spanish: I bathe before sleeping.
Me baño antes de dormir.
Translate: I am reading a good book
Estoy leyendo un buen libro
El se despierta temprano.
He wakes (himself) up early.
She wakes up and wakes up her daughter.
Ella se despierta y despierta a su hija.
Fill in the blank:
Él ______ afeita.
What is the vosotros pronoun for reflexive verbs
What does present progressive mean?
The present progressive verb tense is used to communicate actions that are happening now
Afeitarse means what
to shave oneself
How do you say "I want to put on my shoes?
What is "Quiero ponerme los zapatos" or "Me quiero poner los zapatos."