what is cara?
what is blue?
I open and words come out
what is boca?
10 + 2
what is doce?
a way to say goodbye that starts with c
what is choa?
what is nose?
what is rojo?
brush me and make me pretty
what is pelo?
6 + 2
what is ocho?
a question to ask someone how they are
what is como estas?
what is eyes?
what is blanco?
I can be a color and a beverage
what is cafe?
10 - 2 + 5
what is trece?
the letter y stands for
what is and?
what is ears?
what is black?
when you address someone for the first time you say this one word phrase
what is hola?
10 + 8 - 2 + 4
what is viente?
what is s?
what is teeth?
what is orange?
I say oink and have a curly tail (two-part: english animal color in spanish)
what is pig rosa?
all the numbers after 30 share this concept
what is tens place name plus y ones place name?
a word that sounds or looks similar to it English translation
what is cognate?