How do you say "good morning" and "good night"
Buenos días
Buenas noches
Tell me how to say in Spanish
Tell me what the phrases mean in English
"Hace sol"
"Hace frío"
It is sunny
It is cold
What does "el brazo" and "el hombro" mean?
Arm / Shoulder
Uno , dos , tres , cuatro , cinco
How do you say the following in English?
"¿Cómo estás señor?"
"Estoy muy bien gracias"
How are you Mr. / Sir?
I am very good thank you
Tell me what these family members are in English
Tell me what the following phrases mean in English
"Está lloviendo hoy"
"Tengo calor en México"
It is raining today
It is hoy in Mexico
What is the definite article for "mano" y "tobillos"
la (mano)
los (tobillos)
How do you say 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 in Spanish?
Once , doce , trece , catorce, quince
Tell me the 3 ways we learned to introduce yourself in Spanish.
Mi nombre es
Me llamo
We learned 9 different pets. Tell me 3 of them in Spanish
Could choose from:
Gato , Perro, Pájaro , Caballo , Pez , Conejo , Tortuga , Serpiente , Cobaya
Tell me all 4 seasons in Spanish
La primavera
El verano
El otoño
El invierno
Choose 5 different body parts that are on la cabeza in Spanish
Could choose from:
Pelo/Cabello, frente, cejas, ojos, nariz, boca, dientes, mejillas/cachetes, orejas, lengua, mentón/barbilla, cara, labios
Tell me these 3 numbers
1. Sesenta y siete
2. Dieciséis
3. Cincuenta y cuatro
1. 67
2. 16
3. 54
How do you say in Spanish
"See you tomorrow"
"See you later"
Hasta mañana / nos vemos mañana
Hasta luego / Nos vemos luego
Tell me how to say the following phrase in Spanish
"I have a sister and a step-sister"
"Tengo una hermana y una hermanastra"
Tell me how to say in Spanish
"it is 34 degrees today and I am cold"
"Hace treinta y cuatro grados hoy y tengo frío"
Tell me how to say these 3 phrases
My chest hurts
My throat hurts
My bones hurt
Me duele el pecho
Me duele la garganta
Me duelen los huesos
Tell me in Spanish how to say
"How old are you" and
"I am 15 years old"
"¿Cuántos años tienes?"
"Tengo quince años"
How do you say the following in Spanish?
"Where are you from?"
"I am from the United States"
"¿De dónde eres?"
"Soy de los Estados Unidos"
Tell me how to say the following phrase in Spanish
"I don't have a grandson, but I have a niece"
"No tengo un nieto, pero tengo una sobrina"
Tell me how to say
"What is the forecast for tomorrow" and reply with
"Tomorrow is cloudy"
"¿Cuál es el pronóstico para mañana?"
"Mañana está nublado"
Choose 5 different body parts that are below la panza/el vientre in Spanish
Could choose from:
Piernas, muslos, rodillas, tobillos, pies, dedos del pie, caderas
Solve this math problem. Tell me the answer in Spanish
Quince + Cuarenta y dos - veinticuatro + diecisiete
Cincuenta (50)