Puerto Rico

Who are the most famous soccer players from Argentina?

Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona


What is the second most widely spoken language in the world?

Spanish is number two in the world when it comes to the highest number of native speakers.


How many Varieties of Corn is mexico home to?

Mexico, over 59 varieties of corn are produced.


What is dinner reffered to in Chile compared to other spanish speaking countries?

Dinner is usually referred to as la comida, and not cena, as in other Spanish speaking countries.


What name do natives in Puerto Rico  call themselves?

In Puerto Rico, natives refer themselves as Boricua. It’s a unique name that honors thier Island heritage


What is the traditional national sport of Argentina?

Pato is a game played on horseback, in which two teams battle to throw a ball into a net.


What fight is known to take place in spain?

On the last Wednesday in August, the Spanish town of Buñol hosts La Tomatina - the world's largest tomato fight.


How many Indigenous Languages are there in mexico?

Mexican law officially recognizes 68 indigenous languages.


What is the main meal of the day in Chile?

Lunch is the main meal of the day in Chilean culture. It can include meat or fish with rice, pasta, vegetables, soups, and salads. 


What is the fesival Campechada?

La Campechada brings together artists, performers, musicians, actors, puppeteers, and others with the aim of educating the public about Puerto Rican art and culture.


 In what year did Argentina attract the most international tourists of any country in south america?

In 2019


What is the name of the Catholic cathedral in Barcelona.

The Sagrada Familia,designed by famous architect Antoni Gaudí, the site has UNESCO World Heritage status despite still not being finished.


What type of art is mexico known for?

Mexico Is Famous For Its Murals.

In the 1920s and 30s in Mexico, there was a revolution in art that led to the Muralist movement.


what is the usual breakfast in Chile?

Breakfast is usually very light (bread and jam with milk for the children, and café con leche or tea for the adults).


What is the name of the indigenous cultures of Puerto Rico are referred to as?



Where are most argentinians decented from?

97% of Argentinians descend from Europe. 

The most prominent ethnic group is Italian, followed closely by Spanish.


What is the San Fermín festival ?

From the 7th to 14th July, some 2,000 people take the cobbled streets with angry bulls.


when does the Christmas season end in Mexico?

Unlike the United States, where Christmas celebrations end on Christmas Day, the Christmas season in Mexico lasts for a month and ends on January 6th.


What do Chilean natives call the lanuage spanish?

Chile, people do not refer to the language they speak as Español, but rather as Castellano.


By the late 1800s, what was the Island’s main export

Gourmet coffee


What is the national drink in Argentina.

Yerba mate is the national drink


What city is home to the oldest restaurant in the world?

Madrid, Sobrino de Botín is a Spanish restaurant that is the oldest restaurant in the world in continuous operation.


Is the one of the seven wonders of the world in mexico?

Yes!  The Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza.


What is New Year’s Eve like in Chile?

Año Nuevo: New Year’s Eve is a festive occasion. It takes place in the middle of the summer and is celebrated with asados (barbecues) and family gatherings. Fireworks traditionally light up the skies throughout the country at the stroke of midnight.


What is the famous pastry Pastelillos de guayaba.

 It is layers of light, buttery filo pastry stuffed with sticky guava sauce and topped with powdered sugar are known as pastelillos or pastelillitos de guayaba (guava turnovers).