Our arms hurt
Nos duelen los brazos
Heart in spanish.
El corazón
What are the first three preterite endings?
e', aste, o'
What is strong in Spanish.
Doler works the same as what verb?
Le duele la mano.
His hand hurts.
Skin in spanish.
El piel.
What is "we swam yesterday"?
Nadamos ayer.
What is healthy in Spanish?
What are the 5 ways to add specification to a verb.
A mi, A ti, A el,ella,usted, A nosotros, A ellos,ellas,ustedes
Her eyes hurt.
A ella le duelen los ojos
Body in spanish.
el cuerpo.
"Bucearon en el mar anoche " means what
They dove last night
Lo siento, pero estoy enfermo
I'm sorry, but I'm sick
"What did you do?" (singular)
Que' hiciste tu'
Les duelen los estómagos
Their stomachs hurt
Ear in spanish.
la oreja.
What are the past tenses of levantar
levante', levantaste, levanto' levantamos, levantaron.
What is health in Spanish.
la salud
"To end" in spanish
His knee and ankle hurt
le duele la rodilla y el tobillo
Nose in spanish.
la nariz.
With preterites,
C becomes --- ?
G becomes --- ?
Z becomes --- ?
"He lifts weights" in Spanish
Levanta pesas
What is "to water ski"?
el esquí acuático