The word for mouth in spanish
What is la Boca?
Hello in Spanish
What is Hola
The word for pain in Spanish
What is dolor?
The word for "temperature" in Spanish
What is Temperatura?
The word for house in Spanish
What is casa?
The word for hand in Spanish
What is el mano?
Please in Spanish
What is por favor
The word for medication in Spanish
What is Medicamento?
The word for "pregnant" in Spanish
What is Embarazada?
The word for "student" in Spanish.
The word for arm in Spanish
What is el brazo?
My name is _______ in Spanish
What is mi nombre es _______
The word for dose in Spanish
What is La dosis
"Can I weigh you?" in spanish
What is Puedo tomar su peso?
Good morning in Spanish
What is buenos dias
The Spanish word for leg
What is el pierna?
Where is the bathroom in Spanish
What is Dónde está el baño
The word for pill or tablet
What is Una Pastilla or Una tableta
"Can I take your pulse?" in Spanish
What is puedo tomar su pulso?
Goodnight in Spanish
What is Buenos Noches?
The Spanish word for molar
What is la muela?
The way you say "What is your name" in Spanish
What is cómo te llamas?
"Can I help you?" in Spanish
What is Puedo ayudarle?
"Are you taking any medications?" in Spanish
What is ¿Estás tomando medicamentos?
"Do you want a sticker?" in Spanish
What is ¿Quieres una pegatina?