Tengo frío.
What is "I am cold"?
What is "22"?
La flor es rosada.
What is "The flower is pink"?
Son las cuatro.
What is "4 o'clock"?
Voy al doctor.
What is "I'm going to the doctor"?
Tengo hambre.
What is "I am hungry"?
Treinta y tres
What is "33"?
El suéter es violeta.
What is "The sweater is purple/violet"?
Son las ocho.
What is "8 o'clock"?
Voy al jardín del palacio.
What is "I'm going to the palace garden"?
Tengo dolor de estómago.
What is "I have a stomachache"?
Cuarenta y nueve
What is "49"?
La estatua es azul.
What is "The statue is blue"?
Son las doce.
What is "12 o'clock"?
Voy a comer en mi habitación.
What is "I'm going to eat in my room"?
Tengo dolor de cabeza.
What is "I have a headache"?
What is "treinta y ocho"?
La hamburguesa es marrón.
What is "The hamburger is brown"?
5 o'clock
What is "Son las cinco"?
Voy a jugar al tenis.
What is "I'm going to play tennis"?
Estoy mojado.
What is "I am wet"?
What is "cuarenta y siete"?
La toalla es blanca.
What is "The towel is white"?
1 o'clock
What is "Es la una."?
Voy a nadar en la piscina.
What is "I'm going to swim in the pool"?