This company makes programs like Audition, Premiere, and Illustrator
This is the hottest planet in the Solar System
The Beatles originated from this English city
Though unremarkable in appearance, this location marks the spot where pilgrims first landed in Massachusetts
Plymouth Rock
The three sticks behind a batter in cricket are called this
Broccoli, kale, turnips, and radish all belong to this family of plants
Famous for his capable sleuth, Sherlock Holmes, this author was also a trained physician
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
While height measures a mountain's distance above sea level, this measurement tells how tall it is from the base of the mountain to the top of the peak
Originating from Iran, this popular rice dish is a staple in Indian cuisine, often strongly associated with its Hyderabadi variation
Aaron Judge's 62 home runs in 2022 surpassed the 61-year-old record of 61 home runs in a single season by this American League hitter
Roger Maris
Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in this time period
Cretaceous Period (83.6 - 66 million years ago)
Zelda and Link, two of gaming's most famous characters, call this place home
This adjustable opening determines how much light enters a camera lens
Mesoamerican pyramids were made by this civilization between 2600 BC to 1200 AD
Forks feature several sharpened points, known as this
This visible light color has the longest wavelengths
O'Shea Jackson Sr. goes by this stage name as a rapper and actor
Ice Cube
This skier recently became the winningest World Cup athlete of all time, with 99 total wins
Mikaela Shiffrin
More well-known for its outdoor hiking and adventure gear, this brand began making 'Provisions' sustainable food products in recent years, including canned fish, crackers, and pasta, that can be found in grocery stores
This symbol ~ that appears below the Esc key on your keyboard is called this
Spain and Morocco are separated by this channel of water
Strait of Gibraltar
Best known for such songs as The Simpson's opening theme and the soundtracks of Tim Burton films, this composer also dabbles in industrial rock
Danny Elfman
With ~2,500 bridges within its city limits, this city holds the title for the most bridges in the world
Hamburg, Germany
A cupule is the round, hat-shaped structure that tops this common item
Scalene triangles are defined by this characteristic
All sides have different lengths