Acquired deficit in the ability to produce/comprehend written/spoken language due to damage to the brain
What is aphasia?
Describes serious or potentially life-threatening levels of physical injury
What is trauma?
Sudden disturbance in consciousness or change in cognitive ability that fluctuates throughout the course of the day
What is delirium?
Arizona Battery of Communication for Dementia
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
Western Aphasia Battery
Comprehensive Aphasia Test
Which is not a commonly used assessment for aphasia?
What is Arizona Battery of Communication for Dementia?
The SLP will present unrelated string of words for repetition to the client to assess this
What is immediate recall?
Wernicke’s aphasia, Broca’s aphasia, Anomic aphasia, Conduction aphasia
Which is a nonfluent aphasia?
What is Broca's Aphasia?
Skull remains intact
What is closed head injury?
Must recognize, diagnose, and provide treatment for cognitive, communicative, or swallowing deficits as a result of dementia or dementia-producing illness
What is the role of the SLP?
This is assessed through biographical questions during interview for traumatic brain injury
What is long term memory?
Errorless learning
Schuell’s stimulation approach
Augmentative and alternative communication
Communication partner training
Which is a compensatory therapy approach for aphasia?
What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication?
Deficit in word finding ability
What is anomia?
Damage from acceleration-deceleration closed head injury
What is coup contrecoup?
Acquired global loss of brain function with slow insidious onset
What is dementia?
Assess the presence of verbal or physical aggression against others, oneself, or objects in TBI patients
What is Overt Aggression Scale?
Three types of therapy approaches in Aphasia
What are compensatory, restorative, and social therapy approaches?
Individuals with these kinds of deficits usually show a great deal of struggle when trying to speak following stroke
What is expressive language?
Most common cause of TBI and death in children
What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?
Progressive and fatal disease with no known treatments to stop or slow progression
What is Alzheimer's Disease?
Rating scale that is abbreviated MMSE
What is Mini-Mental State Examination?
Training the individual to repeat information to themselves to increase the likelihood of retaining the information
What is Rehearsal Training?
When a word is substituted for another word that is similar in meaning
What is semantic paraphasia?
May result in hypoxia or anoxia
What is increased intracranial pressure?
Includes Pick’s disease, Progressive nonfluent aphasia, Semantic dementia
What is Frontotemporal Dementia?
One of these assessments is a full battery assessment for dementia
Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia
Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale
What is Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia?
Breaking down complex tasks into individual parts into hierarchy of difficulty and from concrete to abstract
What is Montessori Approach?