Describing a city
Uses of like
Crime and punishment
Present/Past passive

Complete the sentence with the following words: buildings, pollution, crime, safe, nightlife, polite, transport, traffic.

It's a very _____ area. There's hardly any crime at all.



Complete the conversations using the prompts in brackets. Use phrases with like.

1 What kind of music _____ (you)? - I like all kinds of things - indie, hard rock and dance.

2 Is that the new John Grisham book? ____? (what) - It's great. I can't put it down.

1 do you like?

2 what's it like?


Reorder the letters in the underlined words to complete the sentences.

1 The filterposh was caught in a shop.

2 Unfortunately fehtt is very common in my city.

1 shoplifter

2 theft


Choose the correct alternative.

Over $7,500 finds / was found in a shoe box by a lady who works / is worked in a charity shop in the USA.

was found / works


Underline the correct alternative to complete the conversations.

- Hello. Could I speak to Mike Jones?

- Yes, I'll get him.
- Hi, Mike. I'm afraid / frightened there's a problem with the computer.



Complete the sentences with the following words: buildings, pollution, crime, safe, nightlife, polite, transport, traffic.

1 There are a lot of factories around the city, so the _____ is quite bad.

2 I try to use public _____, so I get the bus or take the train.

1 pollution

2 transport


Complete the conversations using the prompts in brackets. Use phrases with like.

1 _____ (you) eating out in restaurants? - Not really. I prefer to go to someone's house for dinner.

2 I haven't met Amelie's new boyfriend yet. _____ (he)? - He's really nice. And he's handsome too.

1 Do you like

2 What's he like?


Reorder the letters in the underlined words to complete the sentences.

1 He was given a ironps teennecs for commiting the crime.

2 The graffiti artist had to do icymountm viceers.

3 She was found wingrit raigffti on a wall.

1 prison sentence

2 community service

3 writing graffiti


Choose the correct alternative.

Teodora Petrova, who recently arrived / was arrived from Bulgaria, found / was found the money on her first day at work at the shop.

arrived / found


Underline the correct alternative to complete the conversations.

- Hi, there's a problem with the computer.
- OK, just bring it over and we'll look up to / into it right away.



Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

It's a bad time of day to go by car. There's so much _____.



Complete the conversations using the prompts in brackets. Use phrases with like.

1 Do you get on well with your sister? _____ (you) doing the same things? - Yes, we do. We're both very sociable. We like going out to parties.

2 Is it cold there today? _____ (what/weather)? - No, it's not cold at all. The sun's shining.

1 Do you like

2 What is the weather like?


Reorder the letters in the underlined words to complete the sentences.

1 Credit card dufar is a modern crime.

2 He received a nife for parking his car in the wrong place.

3 How did they catch the hefit?

1 fraud

2 fine

3 thief


Choose the correct alternative.

The money was hidden / hid inside a pair of shoes. When Teodora made the discovery, she immediately gave / was given the money to her manager.

was hidden / gave


Underline the correct alternative to complete the conversations.

- Excuse me. I'm afraid I have / make a complaint.



Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

1 There are parties most nights and good clubs to go to. The _____ is great.

2 I love the cities in Italy. They have so many beautiful _____.

1 nightlife

2 buildings


There is one extra word in questions. Find the word and cross it out.

1 What's do the weather like today?

2 What food do you to like most?

3 What's your capital city it like?

1 do

2 to

3 it


Complete the words in sentences.

1 Statistics show that short prison s_nt_nc_s are not as effective as community s_rv_c_ in stopping crimes.

2 The police took my car away and I had to pay a f_n_.

3 People who shop online can easily become victims of fr_ _d.

1 sentences / service

2 fine

3 fraud


Choose the correct alternative.

The charity bosses told / were told what happened and they have said that they are looking for the person who gave / was given the shoes to the shop, as they probably left / was left the money inside by accident. If the owner of the money is not found / does not find, the money will be kept by the charity.

told / gave / left / is not found


Underline the correct alternative to complete the conversations.

- What's the matter?

- It's this remote control I bought from you. It doesn't / isn't work.



Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

1 People in the shops are friendly and _____. They smile and say 'Good morning'.

2 The _____ in the area is much worse nowadays. It's dangerous to walk alone at night.

1 polite

2 crime


There is one extra word in questions. Find the word and cross it out.

1 What do you like about where do you live?

2 What's about the food in your country like?

3 What like are the people like where you live?

1 do

2 about

3 like (the 1st)


Complete the words in sentences.

1 An old man stopped the th_ _f as he tried to run away from the bank.

2 He always drives too fast, so he was stopped for sp_ _d_ng.

3 The sides of the trains are always covered in gr_ff_t_.

1 thief

2 speeding

3 graffiti


Complete the sentences with the present or past passive.

1 The television _____ (invent) by John Logie Baird.

2 The American Constitution _____ (write) in 1787.

3 The Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower _____ (build) by French architects.

1 was invented

2 was written

3 were built


Complete the conversation with the following phrases: there's a problem / I'm sorry about that / could you help.

- Excuse me, ______ me?

- Yes, of course. What can I do?
- ______ with my key. It doesn't open the door.
- _____. I'll get you another one.

could you help 

there's a problem

I'm sorry about that