GRAMMAR: past simple & past continuous
GRAMMAR: verb pattern
FUNCTION: asking & giving directions
VOCABULARY: travel items
VOCABULARY: transport

Choose the correct alternatives.

This story happened / was happening while Guillermo Diaz studied / was studying English at a community college in the USA.

happened / was studying


A sentence has a verb missing. Complete the sentence with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs: be, drive, cook, lose, get up, clean, write, shop.

We want home by 2.30.

We want to be home by 2.30.



йди прямо, і банк буде перед тобою

go straight, and the bank will be in front of you


Add the vowels.

1 stcs

2 bckpck

1 suitcase

2 backpack


Write a type of transport for the meaning. The first letter is given.

m_____: a fast form of transport with two wheels

motorbike / moped


Choose the correct alternatives.

Diaz was a very bad student who never attended classes. One evening when he sat / was sitting in a bar, he saw / was seeing another student, Arturo, who told him about an exam the next day.

was sitting / saw


A sentence has a verb missing. Complete the sentence with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs: be, drive, cook, lose, get up, clean, write, shop.

I hope a great book, so I can become famous!

I hope to write a great book, so I can become famous!


Find and correct one mistake.

Keep going until you reach the crossroads. It's in the right.

Keep going until you reach the crossroads. It's on the right.


Add the vowels.

1 wtrprf clths

2 wlkng bts

1 waterproof clothes

2 walking boots


Write a type of transport for the meaning. The first letter is given.

s_____: a large boat that carries people or things across the sea



Choose the correct alternatives.

Arturo said the exam was in Room 52, but Diaz thought he said Room 62. The next day, when Diaz was doing the exam, he realised / was realising that he didn't know any of the answers. He tried to ask another student for the answer while the professor didn't look / wasn't looking, but the other student didn't help / wasn't helping.

realised / wasn't looking / didn't help


The sentences have a verb missing. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs: be, drive, cook, lose, get up, clean, write, shop.

1 I need early tomorrow, so I'm going to bed now.

2 We usually hate at this time because of all the traffic.

1 I need to get up early tomorrow, so I'm going to bed now.

2 We usually hate driving at this time because of all the traffic.



Магазин знаходиться на розі. Іди вздовж головної дороги та побачиш його.

The store is at the corner. Go along the main street and you'll see it.


Add the vowels.

1 sn ht

2 svnrs

1 sun hat

2 souvenirs


Write a type of transport for the meaning. The first letter is given.

t_____: an electric street train



Put down the verb in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

The exam __________ (have) multiple-choice questions, so Diaz guessed all of the answers.



The sentences have a verb missing. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs: be, drive, cook, lose, get up, clean, write, shop.

1 Do you enjoy meals for large groups of people?

2 They decided the whole house after the party.

1 Do you enjoy cooking meals for large groups of people?

2 They decided to clean the whole house after the party.



Іди прямо, пройди повз поворот, потім поверни праворуч

Go straight, go past the turn, then turn right


Add the vowels.

1 bnclrs

2 ntbk

1 binoculars

2 notebook


Write a type of transport for the meaning. The first letter is given.

s_____: it travels through water and is very fast



Put down the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

A week later, while Diaz __________ (watch) TV at home, he __________ (receive) his results by post. He scored 100 percentin the exam on American history!

was watching / received


The sentences have a verb missing. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs: be, drive, cook, take, get up, clean, write, shop.

1 She loves for clothes.

2 I always forget something when I travel - usually my plane ticket!

1 She loves shopping for clothes.

2 I always forget to take something when I travel - usually my plane ticket!


Find and correct two mistakes.

- Excuse me, do you know where the university is?

- Keep going long the main road. Then you'll see a sign and it's in front to you.

- Excuse me, do you know where the university is?

- Keep going along the main road. Then you'll see a sign and it's in front of you.


Add the vowels.

1 dgtl cmr

2 mny blt

1 digital camera

2 money belt


Write a type of transport for the meaning. The first letter is given.

c_____: a bus that carries people between countries or big cities
