What is the theme of this month?
What is bullying.
True or False: A bystander can also be a bully
What is True
True or False: Nearly one-third of American teens are involved in bullying.
What is True. (Though, many reports place this number much higher, up to 50%)
What are 4 reasons why students don't report bullying?
What is they want to belong, they feel no one will help, they deserve to be bullied, scared, I'm not a snitch, no one to tell
True or False: A friend can not be a bully.
What is false. Anyone can be a bully, even a friend.
What is an example of "Relational" bullying.
What is gossip, silent treatment, exclusion, setting someone up to look bad, etc.
True or False: Most bullying occurs in the presence of other students.
What is True. People who bully like an audience.
What are the 4 strategies to use to "Speak Up" against bullying, prejudice, bias and stereotypes?
What is -
Daily Double!
What is one way that one can be a "bystander" on social media?
What is Liking or favoriting a mean post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media.
What is a stereotype?
What is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people or thing. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group.
Daily Double!
Define "upstander" what are 3 examples an upstander can do if they witness bullying?
What is help get the person get away from the situation, change the subject, say something positive about the person, find adult help, report bullying content to the social media platform, write a positive response, screenshot of the bullying, walk away with them.
Posting pictures on social media without the consent of those in the picture is what kind of bullying?
What is Cyber or possible Sexual bullying.
What is the difference between "tattling" and "telling"?
Tattling is to get someone in trouble, get attention, get revenge or complain. Telling is to help someone in danger, when you need advice, need help, or have a problem you cannot solve. Telling is NOT snitching!
True or False: Bullies have trouble making friends.
What is False. Bullies often have a lot of friends, but struggle to form true friendships.
List 5 things that contribute to a diverse society.
gender, age, race, sexuality, religion, ability, economic status, ethnicity, family, etc
What is a bystander?
What is someone who witnesses bullying.
What are some of the effects of being bullied?
What is anxiety, depression, poor grades, isolation, sometimes thoughts of suicide, etc.
True or False: The more peers present to watch the bullying episode, the longer it lasts.
What is True.
How often will a bullying situation end when a peer intervenes?
5% 23%
57% 78%
What is more than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when a peer steps in on the behalf of the student being bullied.
Why did you say that...
What do you mean...
tell me more... are examples of which of the 4 ways to "Speak Up" at school?
What is Questioning.