Showdown 1vs1
Team Riddles
Team Challenge

Candy Shootout

Opponents can steal points if they win!

Choose an opponent. Stand back to back and take two steps away. Throw the candy behind you. If you hit your opponent you win. If both of you hit each other, the candy that's closest to their opponent wins. 


What bird do you associate with lifting weight?

A crane


Which sentence is grammatically correct? 

A. Her and I are going to the park. 

B. She and I are going to the park.

C. Her and me are going to the park. 

D. She and me are going to the park.


B. She and I are going to the park.


Monkey in the Middle

Choose one opponent and successfully pass a piece of candy to your team mate three times without touching the floor. If the opponent blocks the candy, the opposing team wins.


Treasure Hunt

Opponents can steal points if they win!

You and an opponent will leave the room and the teacher will hide a piece of candy. The first one to find the candy wins. 


 I can be long or can be short, I can be black, white, brown, or purple. You can find me the world over and I am often the main feature. What am I?



Choose the sentence with the correctly used homophones: 

A. They're going to their house.

B. Their going to they're house. 

C. There going to their house. 

D. Their going to there house.

A. They're going to their house.




The team that has the phone when the timer goes off loses. 


Basketball Trick Shot.

Opponents can steal points if they win!

Choose an opponent from the other team. If your opponent misses your trick shot you win the points! BUT if you miss your opponents trick shot he gets the points!


Two men are in a desert. They both have backpacks on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his backpack open and the guy who is dead has his backpack closed. What is in the dead man’s backpack?

 A parachute.


Identify the sentence with the proper subject-verb agreement: 

A. The team plays well together.

B. The team play well together. 

C. The team played well together. 

D. The team playing well together.

A. The team plays well together.



The teacher will give you 3 objects. The team that guesses the most wins the points! 


Paper - Rock - Scissors Tournament 

Opponents can steal points if they win!

Choose an opponent. The player who wins the most out of 5 games wins the Tournament.



What word has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end?



Select the sentence with the correctly placed adverb:

A. She sang beautifully the song. 

B. She beautifully sang the song. 

C. Beautifully she sang the song. 

D. She sang the song beautifully.

D. She sang the song beautifully.


Paper Airplane Competition!!

Opposing Team can steal points if they win!

Everyone will make a paper airplane. The team with the farthest airplanes wins. You have one minute to make a paper airplane. 


Photography Contest

Opponents can steal points if they win!

Pick an opponent. Pick and object. You have one minute to take the best photo you can of that object. The teacher will be the judge. 


One day, a magician was boasting about how long he could hold his breath underwater. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, “that’s nothing, I can stay underwater for 10 minutes using no equipment or air pockets!” The magician told the kid if he could do that, he’d give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. How?

He filled a glass of water and held it above his head for 10 minutes.


Choose the sentence with the properly punctuated direct speech:

A. He said, "I'll meet you there". 

B. He said "I'll meet you there." 

C. He said, "I'll meet you there."

D. He said, I'll meet you there.

C. He said, "I'll meet you there."


Team Riddle Competition!!

Opposing Team can steal points if they win!

Find the secret message from the following code:

Vjku ku vjg dguv Gpqtukp Ecnvu

CLUE: I'm a game of shifting, a code to crack, In the alphabet, I'm two steps back. Take each letter and shift with care, To reveal the message hidden there. When you decode, you'll find at last, A class that's truly unsurpassed. What am I?

Answer: "This is the best English Class"