Grammar Wizard
Queen of Correction
God of Articles
Vocabulary Genius
Google Translator Tzar

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1.She (not study) ________ for her exam next week.

2.He (not wear) ________ a suit to work.

1.She isn't studying for her exam next week.

2.He doesn't wear a suit to work.


1. The man who car was stolen reported it to the police.

2. This is the house that we stayed last summer.

1. The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.

2. This is the house where we stayed last summer.


1.He is _____ engineer and she is _____ doctor.

2.I saw _____ accident on _____ way to work. ____ accident was terrible!

1.He is an engineer and she is a doctor.

2.I saw an accident on the way to work. The accident was terrible!


Translate these words into English.

- человек, говорящий на двух языках. 

- родной язык.

- носитель языка. 

- слова, используемые в профессиональной речи.

- bilingual

- mother tongue

- native speaker

- jargon


This is a sentence written by Google Translator. How would a native speaker say it?

How is 'биоразлагаемый' called in English?

What do you call 'биоразлагаемый' in English?

What's the English for ...? / How do you say ... ? 


Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?

1.She (live) ________ in this city for 10 years.

2.We (not finish) ________ our project yet.

1.She has been living in this city for 10 years.

2.We haven't finished our project yet.


1.He has lived here for five years, has he?

2.We shouldn't leave now, do we?

1.He has lived here for five years, hasn't he?

2.We shouldn't leave now, should we?

​​​​1. _____ Dogs are ____ mammals. ​​​​
2. My colleague at ___ work has ____ dog. 

3. His dog is ____ most loyal dog I've seen in my life.

1.  Dogs are mammals. 

2. My colleague at work has a dog. 

3. His dog is the most loyal dog I've seen in my life.


What word is missing?

- solar / nuclear / wind ______

- crack / tear / bottle ____ 

- ____ crazy / blind / grey

- solar / nuclear / wind power

- crack / tear / bottle up 

- go crazy / blind / grey


This is a sentence written by Google Translator. How would a native speaker say it?

For succeed, we need to work hard and be resposible.

To succeed, we need to work hard and be resposible. (to + inf)


Complete the sentence with the correct tenses. Explain your choice. 

1.They (play) ________ basketball when it (start) ______ to rain.

2.He (watch) ________ a movie when the phone (ring) ________.

Past Continuous + Past Simple. 

1.They were playing  basketball when it started to rain.

2.He was watching a movie when the phone rang.


1. I prefer to watch movies at home.

2. I'm looking forward to see you.

3. They recommended me take a trip to the Netherlands.

1. I prefer watching movies at home.

2. I'm looking forward to seeing you.

3. They recommended taking a trip to the Netherlands.


1.____ industrial revolution changed the way we live and work.

2.____ Education is the foundation for ____ successful career.

1.The industrial revolution changed the way we live and work.

2. Education is the foundation for a successful career.


Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 

1. I made it ___ time for the meeting! 

2. The train arrived ___ time. 

3. ___ the end of the film the main character dies.

4. ____ the end, we've decided to follow our dreams.

1. I made it in time for the meeting! 

2. The train arrived on time. 

3. At the end of the film the main character dies.

4. In the end, we've decided to follow our dreams.


This is a sentence written by Google Translator. How would a native speaker say it?

Don't stay these papers on the table, John.

Don't leave these papers on the table, John.


Complete the sentences but don't use Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 

1.She (live) _______ in London but now she lives in New York.

2.They (go) _______ to the beach every summer when they were kids.

1.She used to live in London but now she lives in New York. 

2.They would go to the beach every summer when they were kids.


1. The manager refuse to let us leave the hotel before we met his wife. 

2. We promised that we will send him a postcard. 

3. I explained that there is a delay.

1. The manager refused to let us leave the hotel before we met his wife. 

2. We promised that we would send him a postcard. 

3. I explained that there was a delay.


In ___ morning, I'm taking ___ train to ___ UK. ___ London is very beautiful in ___ autumn!

In the morning, I'm taking a train to the UK.  London is very beautiful in autumn!


Translate these sentences into English. 

1) Я стараюсь читать новые новости каждый день. (быть в курсе событий)

2) В 2023 году произошла забастовка сценаристов. 

3) Грабитель ранил охранника и держал заложника на прицеле. 

1) I try to keep up-to-date with the news.

2) There was a writers' strike in 2023.

3) The robber hurt the security guard and was holding a hostage at gunpoint.


This is a sentence from our telegram chat. How would a native speaker say it?

Send you my mistakes.

I'm sending you (sending) ...

Here are ...


Rewrite these sentences in Passive Voice.

1.The chef is cooking a delicious meal.

2.People should recycle plastic bottles.

1. The meal is being cooked by the chef.

2. Plastic bottles should be recycled.


1. I would live in France. Now I live in Morocco.

2. It's very worried watching the news at the moment.

3. Life would be different if we hadn't invented the steam engine.

1. I used to live in France. Now I live in Morocco.

2. It's very worrying watching the news at the moment.

 3. Life would have been different if we hadn't invented the steam engine. (hypothetical conditional in the past)

​​1. I've travelled in ____ south of ____ France.
2. ____ only fruit that Ilike is __​___ jackfruit. 
3. Today is ___ 12th of ___ October.​​

1. I've travelled in the south of  France.
2. The only fruit that Ilike is a jackfruit.
3. Today is the 12th of October.


Translate these sentences into English. 

1. Мой босс постоянно отвлекается, никогда не приоритизирует задачи и откладывает их на потом.

2. Стив Джобс - очень трудолюбивый предприниматель, который умел нестандартно мыслить. 

3. В аэропорту нужно зарегистрироваться 2 часа до полета. В зоне отдыха можно заняться шоппингом в магазинах беспошлинной торговли.

1. My boss always gets distracted, never prioritises tasks and always puts them off. 

2. Steve Jobs is a very hard-working entrepreneur who was able to think outside the box. 

3. You must check-in 2 hours before the flight. In the departure lounge you can go shopping in duty-free stores. 


This is a sentence translated by Google Translator. How would a native speaker say it?

1. I offered that we go to the park for a picnic. 

2. I recognized that I gained a significant amount of weight. 

1. I suggested that we go to the park for a picnic.

2. I realized that I gained a significant amount of weight.