MADCAP pays the amount entered in the MR columns as a PMA payment unless an overpayment or SMI premium arrearage is involved.
AA special entry (Miscellaneous Addition)
Used to recover an overpayment.
OP special entry (Overpayment Recovery)
Represents the last three characters of the ABN field in the BENEFIT line of the MBR.
ABS (Action Block Serial)
Coding this in the RFD field will summarize the corresponding history period on the MBA as "correctly paid".
RFD of "X"
Find FRA for a BIC D born August 14th, 1959.
02/2026 (66 years + 6 months)
AU special entry (Death Underpayment)
Use this special entry to withhold attorney fees from benefits due or to indicate attorney fees were considered but no withholding at this time.
AD special entry (Attorney Fee Deduction)
Place a "R" in this field of the HST screen when placing a beneficiary from non-pay to current pay status.
ARC code (Adjustment Reason Code)
Code this entry in the WIC field when paying a child the lump-sum death payment.
WIC of 4
A family of four (BIC A, B2, C1, C2) becomes entitled to Retirement benefits effective May 2015. Each child will receive how much in 09/2021.
(PIA $1243.20L ELY 12)
*PIA RECOMP: 01/20 $1333.30, 01/21 $1354.80
MBA = $324.10
Use this special entry to input direct remittance when reentry of a direct remittance exception is not possible through ROAR.
DR special entry (Direct Remittance)
Posts to DED/ADD as Item 590 "Death Underpayment transferred to another beneficiary".
UA special entry (Underpayment Adjustment for Deceased Beneficiary)
Used to send the proper notice, if any, to the beneficiary summarized in PAYMENT HISTORY.
ENB (Enclosure Notice Block)
Code this entry in the RFD field when a beneficiary's benefit payments are in a delayed status.
RFD of B.
AIME FMAX REQUEST - Please compute the FMAX for 03/2013.
HA's DOE 12/2005
PIA $897.20 ELY 01
FMAX = $1585.10
If the amount of this special entry exceeds the amount of the overpayment on the MBR, a MADCAP 306 exception will be generated.
AB special entry (Adjustment or Deletion of O/P Recorded to the MBR)
All actions processed through MADCAP are directed against the CPS record. MADCAP advises CPS that payments have been adjusted (either automatically or manually).
CP special entry (Critical Payment)
A one-position entry that allows an underpayment to be released to a beneficiary in suspense or terminated status or to those with a BOUD or PAR REC FIELD on the MBR.
OCO (One Check Only Indicator)
When a NH is suspended for work and earnings, this value is entered into the WIC field. (Annual Retirement Test)
WIC of 2.
Code the HST screen with the following information for BIC A: (Please mark 12/19-06/20 rates correctly paid)
12/18 $698.20
12/19 $703.40
12/20 $710.60
Notice: C*.
See screen as followed
Builds a negative EVENT 049 LEGAL DED.
EA special entry (Excess Attorney Fees)
Posts the amount input to the Adjusted Treasury Amount (ATA).
AW special entry (Alien Tax Withholding)
Input an entry into this field to update the RIFS to the PAR REC field or to delete the PAR REC field.
PRI (Partial Recovery Indicator)
This value is entered into the RFD field when prior entitlement to benefits under a different Social Security number.
RFD of Y.
Compute the combined rate at 07/17 for a dually entitled A/B beneficiary. (DOB 08/26/1952)
SAMBA; (RIB) DOE May 2016
PIA $503.70L ELY 14
LEMBA; (LIFE) DOE August 2016
PIA $1223.20L ELY 14