Initial Evaluation Process
Meeting Forms
Evaluation Report
Disability categories
Documentation is present within this time frame to implement a long-term suspension.
What is 10 days?
Procedural safeguards are provided to the parents within this time frame if the agency determines if thee is reason to suspect a disability.
What is 5 school days?
This must be completed before the notice of meeting can be set up with the parents
What is authorizaton to invite outside agencies to an IEP meeting?
This is attached to the evaluation form if no further testing was deemed necessary for a reevaluation.
What is the Review of Existing Data?
The child performs 2.0 standard deviations below peers, adaptive behavior is consistent with cognitive abilities and it adversely affects educational performance.
What is intellectual disability?
This occurs after a pattern has been established and the student is over 10 days OSS
What is a behavior manifestation?
Within 30 calendar days of referral this must be conducted.
What is Review of Existing Data?
This is filled out when a team member is not present at a meeting.
What is an excusal of mandatory IEP team members agreement form?
This the time frame that the evaluation report must be provided to the parent after the meeting.
What is 20 days?
Documents a comprehensive physical evaluation by a licensed physician of a severe impairment and it adversely affects educational performance.
What is Orthopedic Impairment?
This is how long a suspension can be due to drugs, weapons or serious bodily injury.
What is 45 days?
To proceed with additional assessment this is needed.
What is written consent from parent/guardian?
This is sent out to students age 16 and older for their IEP meeting.
What is a student invitation to a transition IEP meeting?
This is what the evaluation report must include.
What is health, vision, hearing, social/emotional, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative abilities and motor skills?
A comprehensive health evaluation by a licensed physician, licensed psychologist, licensed professional counselor or school psychologist that results in a chronic or acute health problem and documents limited strength, vitality or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli. It adversely affects educational performance.
What is other health impairment?
These are the members involved in making the discipline decisions for a manifestation determination.
What is the local education agency (LEA), the parent and relevant members of the IEP team?
Conduct eligibility determination meeting within this time frame of receipt of consent for initial evaluation.
What is within 60 calendar days?
The time frame that the notice of meeting needs to be sent to the parent.
What is 20 days?
Observations are required for these disability category areas.
What is Autism, Emotional Disturbance and Specific Learning Disabilities?
The student does not achieve adequately for the child's age or meet state approved grade-level standards in one or more areas. There is evidence of patterns of strengths and weaknesses, discrepancy of a least 1.5 standard deviations between achievement and intellectual ability.
What is learning disability?
These are the factors involved in making the decision to remove a student over ten school days in OSS.
What is length of the removal, extent to which the student has been removed previously and the student's needs and educational goals?
For eligible students, an IEP is developed and this is provided to the parents.
What is written Notice of Action for initial services and an Evaluation Report?
This must be filled out to be in compliance with the notice of meeting.
What is record of district attempts to schedule meeting?
This is provided when a student does not continue to be identified with a disability and eligible for special education and related services.
What is a written Notice of Action for change in eligibility/change in services and evaluation report?
Student has symptomatic behaviors of dysfluency, documents a sample of the child's speech in variety of contexts and is below the norm.
What is Speech-Fluency disability?