What is the timeline for an initial evaluation once the district receives signed consent from the parents?

30 school days


What does MDR stand for?

Manifestation Determination Review



By December 2020, Student will demonstrate improved behavioral relationships skills to increase positive interactions with staff and peers by 85% as measured by a daily behavior sheet.

No; demonstrate improved behavioral relationships- not measurable


What does SDI stand for?

Specially designed instruction

What is the heart of the IEP?
Needs-Based PLAAFP- drives everything else in the IEP

Is a REED or Consent to Evaluate required if a team is considering a Functional Behavior Plan (FBA)?

Yes, any evaluation that is not required or given to for all students, requires a REED or Consent to Evaluate.

When would an MDR need to be held?

After 10 consecutive days or after 10 cumulative days of the same or similar behavior.



By December 2021, Student will follow two-step directions when given one verbal prompt from 35 to 85% accuracy as documented on a daily behavior sheet.  



What is the difference between a 504 and IEP?

An IEP has a requirement for specially designed instruction vs a 504 which is accommodations only
If a required IEP member is not able to attend or needs to leave the IEP early or come last, what should be done to document this?

Complete an excusal


If a parent requests an evaluation, what is the timeline for the district to respond to the request?

10 school days

What should a team consider if the student is displaying a pattern of behavior prior to the 10th day of removal?

Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan



By May 2020, Student will take responsibility for behavior and react appropriately to peers and staff instead of yelling as documented on a daily behavior sheet at 95%.

No; will take responsibility for behavior and react appropriately - not measurable and subjective


Who provides specially designed instruction?

SE staff:

Ancillary or special education teacher


What are the two mandatory consideration factors at every IEP and must be documented either in the IEP or on the notice page?

- communication

- assistive technology


If a parent has difficulty obtaining the medical diagnosis for an OHI evaluation, whose responsibility might it be to support the process?

District- all evaluations are free to the parents. If they need support, the district would support the parents in obtaining any information that would be needed for an evaluation, even the medicial diagnosis.


What are the three areas of mandatory expulsion under IDEA?

drugs, weapons, serious bodily harm



Frequent breaks as requested by the student in the middle school.

No; no barriers to access accommodations

- ex: as requested, as needed, approval to access from the teacher, etc.


What is the difference between common core standards and essential elements?

Common core/Michigan state standards align with the diploma path

Essential elements align with a certificate of completion pathway 

List the three consideration areas of extended school year.

- regression/recoupment

-critical stage of learning

-severity of disability


When is it appropriate to request an extension for an evaluation?

Only on an initial if additional data needs to be collected; three-year redetermination only if the evaluation continues to be within the 36-month timeline.


Scenario: A not yet eligible student is suspended awaiting the board hearing to determine if the student will be expelled? The parent requests an evaluation for special education. What steps does the district need to take?

1. Complete a REED

2. Expedite the evaluation

3. If an MDR has not taken place, complete the eval prior to the MDR (remember- MDR needs to be completed within ten school days of the suspension).

4. If not able to complete, hold the MDR, once the results of the evaluation are completed, hold a new MDR to consider the results.

What are the required components in order to meet the measurability standard for an IEP goal?

A. Current level of performance 

B. Specific skill or set of skills to be taught and measured 

C. Target or outcome 

D. Method of measurement


Scenario: A student is not making the progress that was anticipated based on the IEP goal, how might this be addressed?

- Meet with the parents

-document meeting

- If changing goal outcome or service time, document through the amendment process

NEVER not address if the student is not making process could be negligent on the district's offer of FAPE.


Scenario: The IEP team has determined that the student requires SDI for a behavior goal and has added social work services to support the student. The parents say they do not want this because they already have an outside counselor the student sees. How might the IEP team work through this?

- Student's offer of FAPE

- Provide the goal and service in the IEP 

- document on the Notice page w/data to support the need