Types of Special Education Programs
Related Services
Due Process Rights

Special Education Members

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ICT means Integrated Co-Teaching, where there are two teachers assigned to the class. One

Teacher is a General Education or Content Specialist and the other Teacher is a Special Education

Teacher who modifies lessons or materials to meet the needs of students according to their IEPs.

What is an ICT Class?


PT Skills include gross motor or large muscle movement control

What skills are part of Physical Therapy?


a series of educational assessments to determine what your child knows and how

they learn.

What is a Psychoeducational Evaluation?


The mediator helps you and the school work out disagreements and

impartial hearing officer listens to both sides of the disagreement and decides what, if anything, went

wrong and how to fix it.

Q5:What is the difference between Mediation and an Impartial Hearing?


Individualized Education Program

What do the letters “IEP” represent?


This Class is also referred to as a Self-Contained class. These students work best in a setting with a

smaller class size. There is one Teacher and no more than 12 students in the class.

What is meant by a Special Class 12:1 setting?


includes eye and hand control, use of information from the senses, and improvement of life skills

such as eating, self-care, problem solving, and social skills.

What skills are part of Occupational Therapy?


You may also ask the DOE to pay for an independent assessment by making a request

in writing.

What are your options if you disagree with the results of the DOE Evaluation?


Special Education

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There is a description of how your child is currently performing in school based on their academic

achievement, evaluation results, and their physical, emotional and social development.

What information about your child is included in the IEP?


These services are usually delivered by pulling the student out of their class

to receive the services in a separate location, such as the Counseling Office or Speech Therapy Room

for a 30 minute session.

What is  “Related Services Only” ?


A service or device that helps students use their school materials and allows

them to communicate.

What is Assistive Technology?


your child can be evaluated the Parent must complete a Social History interview with the

School Social Worker to gather information on the child’s development and family history.

What is a Social History Interview?


By law, are used to ensure your child with a disability’s rights

to a Free Appropriate Public Education. You as the Parent have the right to be fully involved and to have

a full understanding of that process.

What is meant by Due Process Rights?


The Goals are Academic, Social, Behavioral and/or Physical Goals that can be reasonably met in a

school year.

What are the Measurable Annual Goals for your child?


Counseling Services may be delivered in a Group of 3-5

Students to help students learn and practice social skills with their peers.

What types of Counseling Services are offered?


The Initial Evaluation process a child may be evaluated for a related service based on the

child’s classroom performance and Parent or Teacher Concerns about the child’s communication skills

What process is used to determine the need for a Related Service?


Parent made the referral they must still sign and return a “Consent for Initial

Evaluation” form.

What is can a child be evaluated without the Parent’s consent?


The school has 60 Days to evaluate your child.

How long does the school have to evaluate your child after you submit a request for the Initial



This means that your child will be in a school and classroom environment with non-disabled peers for

as much of the day as appropriate.

What is meant by the term “Least Restrictive Environment” ?


Students receive support in Reading and/or

Math Skills by a Special Education Teacher, usually within the child’s classroom setting.

What is “SETSS”?


Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Assistive


What types of Related Services are available?


By writing a letter to the

school’s Principal, or another Staff Member, or an IEP Team Member expressing their concerns about

the child’s development, learning, or behavior.

Who may refer a child for Special Education Services?


You may also withdraw your consent for special education services at any time.

What options do you have if you disagree with any decisions concerning your child’s special

education services or placement?