What does FAPE stand for?
What is Free and Appropriate Public Education.
What does ED stand for?
What is Emotional Disturbance.
What does CSTA stand for?
What is Campus Support Team Assistant.
What does ESY stand for?
What is Extended School Year.
What does O&M stand for?
What is Orientation & Mobility.
What does ARD stand for?
What is Admission, Review, Dismissal.
What does SI stand for?
What is Speech Impairement.
What does FBA stand for?
What is Functional Behavioral Assessment.
What does BIP stand for?
What is Behavior Intervention Plan.
What does TEA stand for?
What is Texas Education Agency.
What does OCR stand for?
What is Office of Civil Rights.
What disability does OI stand for?
What is Orthopedic Disability?
What does CSTEL stand for?
What is Child Study Team for English Learners.
What does BC stand for?
What is Behavior Continuum.
What does TEKS stand for?
What is Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
What does IDEA stand for?
What is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
What does AI stand for?
What is Auditory Impairement?
What does IEP stand for?
What is Individual Educational Plan.
What does LSSP stand for?
What is Licensed Specialist in School Psychology.
What does RDSPD stand for?
What is Regional Day School Program for the Deaf.
What act does 504 fall under?
What is Americans with Disabilities Act (504).
What does ADHD stand for?
What disability category does it fall under?
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
What is Other Health Impairement.
What does PEIMS stand for?
What is Public Education Information Management System.
What does FIE stand for?
What is Full Individual Evaluation.
What does PLAAFP stand for?
What is Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.