Special Education Acronyms
Eligibility Categories/Areas of Disability
IEP versus 504 Accommodation Plan
Sections of an IEP

An effective tool to guide the behavior change process for students that need more intensive interventions and is an individualized plan that is created to help any student with identified behavior concerns change a behavior.

What is a BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan)?


An impairment of speech or sound production, voice, fluency, or language that adversely affects educational performance or social, emotional, or vocational development.

What is a speech or language impairment?


This plan details accommodations within the general education setting that a child requires to access their education due to a physical or a mental impairment that adversely affects an area of life functioning.

What is a Section 504 Plan?


This area describes what the child does well, what is unique about them, and what the team enjoys about the child.

What is the strengths section?


This is how often an IEP team is required to review a child's IEP.

What is one time per year or annually?


Instruction in which the content, methodology, or delivery of the instruction is individually adapted to address the student’s disability-related needs so the student can access, engage, and make progress in the general education curriculum and meet the standards and expectations that apply to all students of the same age or grade.

What is SDI (Specially Designed Instruction)?


A child has a health problem that is chronic or acute, limits strength, vitality or alertness, and adversely affects an area of educational performance

What is an Other Health Impairment (OHI)?


This plan includes specially designed instruction provided by a special education teacher or related service provider.

What is an IEP?


This section describes how school staff will engage parent(s)/families in the education of the student (e.g. sharing resources, communicating with parent(s)/families, building upon family strengths, connecting parent(s)/families to learning activities, etc.).

What is the family engagement section?


This is how often a reevaluation is required to determine if the child continues to meet eligibility criteria as a child with a disability and requires specially designed instruction.

What is every 3 years?


The IEP team makes two separate determinations: what the child should be learning and where a child should learn. The intersection of those two determinations is that particular child's ___.

What is LRE (Least Restrictive Environment)?


A child does not make sufficient progress in two rounds of intensive intervention targeting a specific area and does not demonstrate adequate achievement on an achievement test compared to peers. These gaps are not due to any exclusionary factor (i.e. lack of attendance, cultural background, etc). 

What is a Specific Learning Disability (SLD)?


This plan and the services provided within it are protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).

What is an IEP?


This section describes the instruction/service provided by the special education teacher.

What is the special education/specially designed instruction section?


The team has this long from the date of eligibility determination to develop and implement an IEP.

What is 30 days?


____ guarantees that all school-age children with disabilities have the right to a free public education that meets their unique needs, is provided at public expense with no cost to the parent, is designed to meet state department of education standards and to prepare students for further education, employment, and independent living, and is provided in public schools.

What is FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education)?


A decreased ability to detect sound in one or both ears with or without amplification, whether permanent or chronically fluctuating, which adversely affects the student's educational performance.

What is Deaf and Hard of Hearing?


These are the two factors that must be met in order for a child to be eligible for an IEP.

What are 1) the child must meet criteria in an area of disability and 2) must require specially designed instruction to meet their needs?


This section describes aids, services, and other supports (accommodations) that are provided in regular education, other educational settings, and in extracurricular and nonacademic settings, to enable students with disabilities to be educated with nondisabled  students to the maximum extent appropriate.

What is the supplementary aids and services section?


This is when progress reports, which document the child's progress towards their IEP goals, are sent.

When is each trimester with report cards?


A ___ must include measurable postsecondary goals for students based on age-appropriate transition assessments related to training or education, employment, and independent living skills (if appropriate) and a description of transition services including courses of study needed to assist the students in reaching their goals. There also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority.

What is PTP (Postsecondary Transition Plan)?


Significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills and manifested during the developmental period that adversely affects the student's educational performance.

What is an Intellectual Disability?


This office enforces Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

What is the Office of Civil Rights (OCR)?


This section describes what standardized assessments the student will take that are chosen by the district and what accommodations, if any, are needed on those assessments. 

What is the participation in district wide assessments section?


In an evaluation, the team has this many business days to review existing information, develop a plan for evaluation, and send consent for additional testing if it is needed.

What is 15 business days?