KSHS Contacts
Supplemental Aids Folders
Name This Modification
Special education forms
Name This Accommodation
Learning Specialist responsible for Math, Science, and Spanish support.
Who is Joshua Victorian?
A list of adaptations given to general education teachers to help the student address the grade level TEKS in a manner that levels the playing field for them when compared to non-disabled peers.
What are accommodations and modifications?
The acronym I.D.E.A., which describes the law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation, stands for this.
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
Located in the student's offical special education file, this Special Education form should be signed by all persons who have obtained access to the student record, and are not authorized school personnel.
What is the Log of Access Sheet?
This classmate is a dedicated sub in Fairfax County.
Who is Linda?
The Learning Specialist that will provide support for Reading/ ELA, Social Studies, and Fine Arts.
Who is Roshonda Joseph?
This section gives us a baseline of where the student is presently working in certain subject areas. This is the student's functional level baseline.
What are the Goals and Objectives?
Once a child has been determined eligible for special education services, the goal of the IEP is to address the needs of the child in this setting.
What is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?
Describes in language that the parent and all professionals can understand, where the student is functioning so that a year from now the parent and educators can determine if progress has been made.
What is the PLEP?
Who is the best chef in the world!
Who is Beth?
Place I will document all accommodations and/or modifications utilized in the classroom, including behavior supports for BIPs.
What is the Intervention Tab in SchoolRunner?
When describing services such as amount of time, frequency, service provider, place of service for each individual student.
What is the Schedule of Services page?
In accordance to IDEA, the law states that every child is entitled to this.
What is a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?
A _________ must be mailed to the parent at least 10 days prior to a meeting.
What is the Meeting Invitation?
Say Aloha next time you see this classmate!
Who is Chelsea?
The contact person for RTI (Response To Intervention). New students entering the Tiers of Intervention to submit for SPED Evaluation.
Who is my grade level chair?
A plan of action to address the needs of students that display non typical behaviors. This plan must be followed alongside the KSHS Behavior Discipline Ladder.
What is the Behavior Intervention Plan?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects a students right to this.
What is a student's right to confidentiality?
This form must be signed by the parent or guardian and returned to the school prior to conducting any formal evaluation of the student.
What is the Evaluation Consent Form?
This classmate is from Texas & loves reality TV.
Who is Jenn?
Place where I can view a student's folder to read the FIE (Full and Individual Evaluation) conducted by the LSSP (Licensed Specialist of School Psychology). I must sign the Folder Access Sheet in the front of the folder.
What is Room 115, Learning Specialist Office?
Every 3 weeks these documents will be collected during the grade level meeting by the GLC. Mrs. Joseph and Mr. Victorian will meet with each GLC to collect these documents. The Learning Specialist will pull the documented accommodations and modifications from SchoolRunner and also send an update to parents every 6 weeks.
What are documented work samples and accommodations/ modifications?
Provided to the Parent or Guardian annually, this outlines the special education process including procedure and state mandated timelines, in addition to notifying parents of their rights.
What is the Notice of Procedural Safeguards?
In the event that a mandatory IEP team member is unable to attend a Team meeting, this form can be completed and signed by the parent or guardian.
What is the IEP TEAM Membership Written Agreement/Consent Form?
This classmate has a twin sister!
Who is Kristen?