Federal Legislation


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Mosh Posh

This is what IDEA stands for.
What is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
This is what the acronym IEP stands for.
What is Individual Education Plan.
This is the law that deemed school districts are responsible for providing related services.
What is IDEA
This is what the acronym FAPE stands for.
What is Free and Appropriate Education.
This placement program is generally refered to as an RSP program and usually provides support to students that are in a general education classroom ofr most of the day.
What is Resource Specialist Program
This is what the acronym ADA stands for (not funds!)
What is Americans with Disabilities Act.
These are the participants that must be present at an IEP meeting.
What is general education teacher, special education teacher, administrator and parent and/or student.
If a child opts out of public education (goes to private school) the district is no longer responsible for providing services. True or False.
What is False
This is what is entered into when there is a disagreement of FAPE between the family and the district (lawsuit)
What is Due Process.
THis placement program is a more restrict program usually refered to as SDP and usually has students spend most of the day in a special education classroom.
What is Special Day Program.
This is what Brown v. Board of Ed. established.
What is all students have a right to a free education.
This is how often a student has to have a full formal re-evaluation.
What is every three years.
This is what the acronym O.T. stands for.
What is Occupational Therapy?
THis is the number of days a special education student can be suspended for before effecting their FAPE
What is 10 days.
This placement is more restrictive than RSP and less restrictive than SDP and provides services like counseling or speech.
What is DIS, or Designated Instruction Services.
This court case established a parent's rights to due process, the right to appeal and the right to access records.
What is Mills v. Board of Ed.
This section is a narrative that describes how a student is performing in class.
What is present level of performance.
This related service is a physical education class.
What is Adapted Physical Education or A.P.E.
After 10 days of suspension this is a formal meeting that must be held to determine that the reason for suspension is not a manifestation of the students disability.
What is Manifestation Determination.
All students must be educated in this placement setting (established under IDEA, NCLB)
What is Least Restrictive Environment.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was first passed in this year.
What is 1990.
This is the environment that the IDEA reauthorization act mandates students be serviced in.
What is LRE or least restrictive environment.
A district is responsible for providing and paying for a registered nurse to attend classes with a student during the school day should a student need one. (True or False)
What is true.
a parent has a right to tape record you IEP meeting. True or False.
What is True.
Should a student need a more restrictive environment than the school has on their campus they district must pay for a student to receive those services outside of their school. True or False.
What is True.