The Evaluation

What LRE stands for.

What is Least Restrictive Environment?


A group of educators that come together with data about students they have concerns about.

What is a Professional Learning Committee?


The two things required when a decision is made NOT to evaluate a student for special education services.

What is data and Written Notice of Refusal to Take Action?


The person who has the authority to commit resources, has knowledge of curriculum, supervisory responsibilities and should facilitate the meeting and if possible take notes.

What is the LEA?


The evaluations a Data Review is required for.

What are all evaluations? (initial, re-eval, Out-of-State, Youth-In-Custody, etc...)


The group that makes placement decisions.

What is the IEP Team?


The person a parent may request an evaluation for special education.

Who is the general education teacher, principal, school counselor, school psychologist or any other official within the school district?


The number of times a copy of the procedural safeguards need to be given to parents.

When is annually?


The members of the IEP team that must feel as though they have true meaningful participation in the IEP process.

Who are the parents?


Areas to look at when determining if there is a Significant Impact of Educational Performance.

What are academic, social/behavioral & language considerations/communication areas?


The group that makes location of services decision.

What is the District?


The number of data points of targeted and specific classroom intervention required for an initial referral.

What is 6 to 8 data points in elementary or 3 to 4 in secondary?


This is how far in advance a Notice of Meeting & an excusal form needs to be sent home to parents.

When is 10 days in advance?


The person or persons that have full knowledge of all formal evaluation and is able to explain the results of those evaluations to parents and/or other members of the IEP or eligibility team.

Who is the Evaluator/Testing Team/School Psychologist?


This determines the amount of service time written into the IEP.

What is student data?


The main person that initiate a LRE process.

Who is the Special Education Teacher?


A meeting that happens in order to determine if intervention or other data show whether or not to move forward with a referral for special education services.

What is pre-referral meeting?


The amount of time to complete an evaluation once the parent/guardian signs a permission to evaluate.

What is a 45 day timeline?


The people that make the final eligibility decision regarding whether the student is or is not qualified to receive services from special education.

Who is the eligibility team?


Considerations when a student is found to NOT be eligible for special education services.

What What are general education supports or a 504?


The person that the special education teacher lets know they have a student that may require looking a possible LRE.

Who is the Teacher Specialist?


A student that has a disability and is also gifted and talented.

What is Twice Exceptionality?


Two types of data used in order to determine eligibility of special education services in a combination district.

What are intervention and formal evaluation data?


A letter written if one person of the IEP team (a district employee only) does not agree with the decision made by the eligibility team.

What is a Letter of Dissent?


When outside agencies are allowed to observe in the classroom.

When is infrequently and only with a signed Observer and Confidentiality Agreement?