What does IDEA stand for?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
What does IEP stand for?
Individualized Education Program.
What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)?
An evaluation to determine the causes of specific behaviors and develop strategies to address them.
What is the purpose of procedural safeguards?
To protect the rights of students and parents in the special education process.
What does PBIS stand for and do you know what is in your building?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
What age range does IDEA cover in Connecticut?
Ages 3 to 21.
Name one required participant in an IEP meeting.
The parent/guardian, special education teacher, general education teacher, or LEA representative.
Name one tool a social worker might use to assess a student’s social-emotional skills.
Behavior rating scales or social-emotional checklists.
Name one method parents can use to resolve disputes with a school about their child’s IEP.
Mediation, due process hearings, or filing a state complaint.
Name one role of a school social worker in supporting students with IEPs.
Provide counseling, participate in IEP meetings, or assist with behavior plans.
What is the purpose of the Child Find mandate?
To identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities who may need special education services.
What is the purpose of the present levels of performance section in an IEP?
To describe the student’s current academic and functional abilities.
What is the first step when a teacher suspects a student may have a disability?
Refer the student for intervention support or discuss concerns with the PPS team.
Under FERPA, who can access a student’s educational records?
Parents or eligible students (18+), and authorized school personnel.
What is the goal of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?
To address challenging behaviors and support positive changes.
Name two Connecticut-specific responsibilities of the local education agency (LEA) under IDEA.
Conducting evaluations.
Providing special education and related services.
At what age must a transition plan be included in an IEP?
Age 16 (or earlier in Connecticut if appropriate).
True or False: Parental consent is required before conducting a special education evaluation.
What should a school do if parents disagree with an evaluation?
Offer an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) at public expense.
How can a school social worker help build trust with families?
By listening actively, providing clear information, and offering consistent support.
What federal law provides accommodations for students with disabilities but does not include specialized instruction?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
What is the difference between an annual review and a triennial evaluation?
Annual review: Updates the IEP yearly.
Triennial evaluation: Reassesses eligibility and needs every three years.
Who can request a special education evaluation?
A parent, teacher, or any member of the school staff.
True or False: Parents must be provided with a copy of their procedural safeguards once a year.
Name two supports a social worker might provide to a student transitioning to postsecondary education.
Teach self-advocacy skills and connect the student to college disability services.