Law and Legalities
Medical Conditions and Concerns
Principles of IDEA
Provides the legal authority for early intervention and special education services for children from birth to age 21.
What is the individuals with disabilities education act?
A substantially limiting physical or mental impairment that affects such basic life activities as hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, learning, working, or caring for oneself.
What is a disability?
A communication disorder characterized by difficulty understanding and/or producing language. .
What is aphasia?
A program is one designed to meet the unique developmental needs of an individual child with a disability who is three, four, or five years of age.
What is Preschool Early Intervention?
Schools must educate all children with disabilities.
What is zero reject?
The primary federal education legislation addressing kindergarten through high school for children at risk.
What is No Child Left Behind Act?
Any physical or mental condition that begins before the age of 18 years, causes the child to acquire skills at a slower rate than his/her peers, continues indefinitely, and impairs the child’s ability to function in society.
What is a developmental disability?
Refers to problems in communication that affect a child’s ability to talk, understand, read, and write.
What is speech/language impairment?
An written statement of a child’s current level of educational performance and of the child’s individualized plan of instruction, including the goals, specific services to be received.
What is an individualized education program (IEP)?
An IDEA requirement which sates children must be educated with children who are not disabled, to the maximum extent possible.
What is Least Restrictive Environment?
A federal mandate under IDEA that all children with disabilities must receive appropriate educational programs, tailored to their unique needs, from which they receive educational benefit at no cost to families.
What is Free Appropriate Public Education?
A disability in which a child’s intellectual and adaptive behavior is below average, which impacts upon the child’s education.
What is cognitive delay?
A neurological disorder in which individuals display developmentally-inappropriate behavior including poor attention skills and impulsivity.
What is Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disoder?
Providers establish one-on-one relationships with youth within their own communities.
What is therapeutic staff support?
All children with disabilities, regardless of the type or severity of their disability, shall receive a free, appropriate public education.
What is free, appropriate public education?
A summary of parents’ rights and procedures that safeguard their rights under state and federal special education law.
What is the procedural safeguards notice?
A disorder in which one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written language, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or perform mathematical calculations. .
What is a learning disability?
A developmental disability generally evident before age three that significantly affects verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and educational performance.
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
A specialized instruction tailored to fit the unique learning strengths and needs of students with disabilities.
What is special education?
Schools must collaborate with parents and students with disabilities in the planning a implementation of special education and related services?
What is parent participation and shared decision making?
Protects the civil rights of individuals with disabilities. This law is closely intertwined with IDEA.
What is section 504 of the rehabilitation act?
An overall category of developmental disorders that includes autism, Rett syndrome, Asperger’s syndrome, pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified, and childhood disintegrative disorder.
What is Pervasive Developmental Disorders?
A pattern of persistently slow learning of basic motor and language skills during childhood, along with deficits in adaptive behavior and a significantly below-normal global intellectual capacity during adulthood. .
What is mental retardation?
A comprehensive, multi-tiered, and standards-aligned approach that enables early identification and intervening for children at academic or behavior risk.
What is response to instruction and intervention?
Nonbiased, multifactored methods of evaluation used to determine whether a child has a disability.
What is nondiscriminatory evaluation?