receptors for taste +olfaction, responds to chemicals in solutions
What is chemoreceptors?
results from unequal pulls by the external eye muscles that prevent the baby from coordinating movement of the two eyes
the eye has
what is extrinsic eye muscle, eyelids, conjunctiva, and lacrimal apparatus?
receptors for sense of smell, occupy roof of nasal cavity
What is olfactory receptors?
results from decreasing lens elasticity that accompanies aging
what is presbyopia?
These glands produce an oily secretion that lubricates the eye
what is tarsal glands?
receptors for sense of taste, mostly on tongue some on cheek
what is tastebuds?
presbyopia makes it difficult...
what is to focus for close vision?
In close vision and bright light, the circular muscles BLANK, and the pupil BLANK. In distant vision and dim light, the radial fibers BLANK to BLANK the pupil, which allows more light to enter the eye
What is contract--constricts + contract--dilate?
specific cells that respond to chemicals dissolved in saliva
what is gustatory cells?
results from deterioration and atrophy of the spiral organ of Corti begins that leads to a loss in the ability to hear high tones and speech sounds
what is presbycusis?
the names of the photoreceptors
what is rods and cones?
the pathway for smell
what is olfactory receptors--olfactory filaments--olfactory nerve--olfactory cortex--limbic system (OR simulated by chemicals dissolved in the mucous+transmits impulses along OF which makes up the ON, conducts impulse to the OC, the pathway opens to the LS)?
presbycusis is a type of BLANK deafness
what is sensorineural?
the result is total color blindness
what is lack of all 3 cone types