How to order from Cardinal
Next Day Delivery Cardinal Order Form
Who to ask questions about labor budget
Reach out to your HSS
Who has the ability and is responsible for "fixing" incorrect on-hand quantities in PROMOTE
anyone with RMGO access
How to request access to a LDD product
Reach out to your HSS with your business case.
Where/who to report a referral that is stuck in PROMOTE
Specialty Pharmacy - Any Problem With PROMOTE Application
Name three ways to order from Amerisource
AB Portal
Which report in A1 identifies patients enrolled in a program that might not have the appropriate calls scheduled?
Missing call type report
How can you see the A1 tasks completed, postponed, canceled and rescheduled by user?
Workforce Task Manager
What do you do if a LDD rx rejects for OON but the preferred specialty pharmacy does not have access to the product?
Work with insurance to get an OON override due to access restrictions
Where can you find info related to AE reporting and where to go with additional questions?
localsprx > LDD > adverse events
email the local audit team with additional questions
Name a drug that has an order quantity restriction (multiple or minimum order quantity)
Brixadi - minimum of 2
Xdemvy - multiples of 12
Nuplazid 34mg - multiples of 10
Epidiolex (direct order sites only) - multiples of 10
Name of systems used to find:
1. patient health data (labs, dx, chart notes, etc)
2. financial assistance
1. Surescripts
2. Tailormed
Best sub-status option for a canceled referral in PROMOTE that was WCB that was denied b/c provider sent a new erx
new prescription received
Where can you see documentation from retail specialty support regarding the triage of a LDD product from retail to specialty?
As unbelievable as this sounds.... SR2!
Where/who to reach out if PROMOTE, LDD dispensing guide or COMPASS do not match.
ATRH > pharmacy > local specialty > LDD
Where/who to ask about the status of an ICT order
Email the ICT fulfillment team:
Which report in A1 tells you if a patient had an IA or PCC refill call completed after the sale?
RPH IA/PCC Refill Compliance Report
Best sub-status option for a canceled referral in PROMOTE that rejected as "refill too soon" because patient is filling at a competitor
Out of network/patient filling at alternate SP
Three resources that help explain who has access to a specialty product
LDD Dispensing Guide
LDD Distributor List
Where/who to report NDC missing in Asembia
Specialty Pharmacy - Any Problem With Asembia / SRx
Is Impavido LDD? How do you order?
NO - retail can dispense too! See MFR webpage:
Reach out to the rx inventory team to order:
ATRH > pharmacy > pharmacy inventory > ordering
Three resources if you have a question about something on the A1 scorecard
2. Ask your HSS
3. Send question via ATRH: pharmacy > local specialty > operational reporting
Describe what you do in IC+ and PROMOTE with a rx that needs a prior auth. What happens if it was entered too long in IC+?
RX should stay entered in the work queue while site is working on prior auth. If it must be deleted, then substatus of “re-entering prescription” should be selected for that canceled referral in PROMOTE. RX should be reprocessed that same day in IC+ and substatus in PROMOTE for that new pending referral should be “prior auth in process"
What to do if you get a call from retail specialty support to pull a rx from retail for a drug that multiple sites in your state have access to?
Pull the script from retail. Determine if you are the best site to fill the rx. If not, your site can triage to another specialty location.
Where/who to report that A1 did not generate a task as expected
FixIT - IT can always investigate
ATRH > pharmacy > local specialty > Asembia - we can look for user error but it might still be an IT issue that needs a ticket