"the color purple" is the best known work by this georgia - born women
Alice Walker
its the 1990 story of an 8 year old boy accidentally abandoned at Christmas
home alone
He was known as Pops as well as Satchmo
Louis Armstrong
a type of under-the-table flirting is called playing this
to research "airport" he spent hours in airports absorbing the atomsphere
Arthur Hailey
title character who sayd "this is my ninth sick day this semester... so i better make this one count"
Ferris Buller
With this nickname, Julian Edwin Adderly barrelled down "them dirty blues"
shark part thats slang for a five dollar bill
Hemingway took the title of this novel about journalist Jake barnes from a passage in Ecclesiastes
"the sun also rises"
Molly ringwalds family forgets her birthday whil preparing for her sisters wedding in this film
16 candles
Oran page, trumpeter and accompanist to bessie smith, was known as this, like a M*A*S*H character
the USS constitution is one of the most famous of these sailing ships
"nature" and 1836 essay by this transcendentalist and friend of Thoreau was publishes anonymously
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Steve martin and john candy use these title modes of transportation to try to get home for thanksgiving
"planes, trains, and automobiles"
He gained fame as the Hi De Ho Man
Cab Calloway
Thomas gray wrote, "where is ignorance is bliss, tis this to be wise"
in Tom Sayer, Tom cons other boys into helping him with what task
whitewashing a fence
He played the Briany Brian in "the breakfast club"
Anthony Micheal Hall
That he was born as an armando in 1941 should tell you this chick is a guy
Chick Corea
Some call this island country the crossroads of the South Pacific