Thermal 1
Thermal 2
Thermal 3
Thermal 4
Thermal 5

What are the units for specific heat capacity?

J / kg °C

J / kg K

J / g °C

J / g °K 


What is the unit of Heat Energy?

Joules, J


What is the unit of Heat Capacity?



What is the unit of mass?



A high specific heat means...

It requires more energy to change temperature


A 15.75-g piece of iron absorbs 1086.75 joules of heat energy, and its temperature changes from 25 °C to 175 °C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of iron in J/gC

0.46 J/g C


How much heat is needed to raise the temperature of 10.0 g of aluminum from 22°C to 55°C, if the specific heat of aluminum is 0.90 J/g °C?

297 J


A 0.3 g piece of copper is heated and fashioned into a bracelet.  The amount of energy transferred by heat to the copper is 66,300 J.  If the specific heat of copper is 390 J / g °C, what Is the change of the copper's temperature?

566.7 °C


How many Joules of energy are required to change 10 grams of liquid water from 20 °C to 90 °C? Specific heat of liquid water is 4.18 J / g °C.

2800 J


The specific heat of aluminum is 0.21 J / g°C.  How much heat(Q) is released when a 10 g piece of aluminum foil is taken out of the oven and cools from 100° to 50°?

105 J


20 g of water (specific heat of water is 4.18 J / g °C) undergoes a temperature change from 25° C to 20° C. How much heat energy moved from the water to the surroundings?

418 J


The specific heat(c) of copper is 0.39 J / g °C. What is the temperature change (∆T) when 100 Joules of heat is added to 20 grams of copper?

12.82 °C


What is Specific Heat?

The  amount of thermal energy required to increase the temperature of 1kg of a material by 1°C.


Which of the following best explains why the sand at the beach is hotter than the water?

a) There is more sand than water at the beach.

b) Sand has a lower specific heat than water.

c) Sand has a higher specific heat than water.

d) There is more water than sand at the beach.



When a  piece of aluminum foil is taken out of the oven and cools from 100° to 50°, What is the change in temperature?



Object A has a specific heat of 4.45 J/g⁰C and object B has a specific heat of 1.82 J/g⁰C. Which object will heat up faster?

Object B, it has a lower specific heat


Graphite has a specific heat of 0.709 J/g⁰C. If a 20 gram piece of graphite is cooled from 38⁰C to 18⁰C, how much energy was lost by the graphite?

283.6 J

Which of the following is NOT true about heat? 

A. Heat moves from hot to cold

B. Heat is a form of energy

C. Heat cannot be transferred

D. Heat makes molecules speed up 



How much energy is needed to raise the temperature of 0.20kg of cooking oil by 50C, if the specific heat capacity of this oil is 1800J/(kgC)?



A kettle transfers all of its energy to heating 1.0kg water, which has a specific heat capacity of 4200J/(kgC). If the temperature of the water increases by 10C, how much energy was transferred?



I boil exactly 1.00kg of water in a pan and then leave it for a two of hours. If the temperature falls from 100C down to room temperature of 20C and the water has a specific heat capacity of 4200J/(kgC), how much energy has the water given out to the surroundings?



A 2.0kg aluminium cube, is left in the sunlight and its temperature rises from 20C to 60C. How much energy has been transferred into the cube?
Aluminium has a specific heat capacity of 900J/(kg∘C).



750g of water is put into a hot water bottle at 80∘C. Overnight, the temperature of the hot water bottle falls to 20∘C. How much energy has been transferred out of the hot water bottle?



I take a bath in 100kg of water, which has been heated from 15∘C up to 45∘C. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4200J/(kg∘C), how much energy has been transferred into the hot water for my bath?



A 12.5 gram piece of iron (c = 0.45 J / g °C) has an initial temperature of  100° C.
When the iron loses exactly 25 J of energy, its final temperature is ____, and this is an ____ process.

95.6 °C , exothermic