Definition and Legal Responsibility
Types of Specific Learning Disabilities
Testing for Specific Learning Disabilities
SLD Eligibility

Common abbreviation for "Specific Learning Disability"

What is "SLD" ?

Although often mistaken for a specific learning disability, this spectrum of disorders actually does not fall under the SLD categorization, but is often comorbid with them.
What is Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD and ADHD)
A test designed to determine a person's ability in a particular skill or field of knowledge. An Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test is one example.
What is an Aptitude Test?

When a child has a significant discrepancy between their ability and achievement in one or more academic areas that is not a result of sensory, mental, or emotional disabilities

What is possibly a Learning Disability?


Specific Learning Disability Team Determination of Eligibility

What is the mandated form for Eligibility under the category SLD in Massachusetts?


Every child with a learning disability is legally entitled to this kind of education so that his or her education may be maximized.

What is "Specially Designed Instruction" or "SDI" ?

A specific learning disability characterized by difficulty mastering arithmetic facts, keeping track of time, acquiring spatial orientation, exchanging money, and learning musical concepts.
What is Dyscalculia?

Scores between 85 - 115; average score 100.

What is the average IQ (Intelligence Quotient) score?


This form must be completed at every Initial or ReEvaluation. regardless of whether further evaluations were needed.

What is the Eligibility Determination Form?


Component 1 in Massachusetts SLD Eligibility

What is Historical Review and Educational Assessment?

A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations
What is the IDEA definition of a specific learning disability?
A specific learning disability characterized by poor writing and expression, including irregular letter sizes and shapes, mixture of upper and lower case letters, and mixture of print and cursive writing.
What is Dysgraphia?

An assessment that measures skills and knowledge that someone has already learned. Four areas of this kind of testing are Mathematics, Spelling, Reading Comprehension, and Vocabulary.

What is an Achievement Test?


To be eligible for special education services, the child must have a disability that necessitates ___________   _____________ instruction.

What is specially designed instruction?


Component 2 for Massachusetts SLD Eligibility 

What Area of Concern and Evaluation Method?


According to IDEA: perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.

What is included in the term "specific learning disability" ?

A specific learning disability characterized by difficulty with the grapheme-phoneme relationship of letters, resulting in trouble maintaining fluency while reading and low levels of comprehension.
What is Dyslexia?
If achievement test scores are two standard deviations below IQ, a learning disability is present
What is the Discrepancy Model?

To be eligible for services, the disability can NOT be the result of these things

What are lack of instruction, Limited English Proficiency, cultural, environmental or economic disadvantage? ?


Component 3 for SLD Eligibility in Massachusetts

What are Exclusionary Factors?

A learning problem that is primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage
What is NOT considered a specific learning disability?

The most common learning disability seen in elementary schools. Many children exit elementary school having been treated by a speech therapist for this disability.

What is a Communication Disability?


Not enough has been learned to test children while they are still in primary grades, and the window for remediation (3 years old - 7 years old) is often missed.

What are criticisms of the Discrepancy Model?


This test is the most commonly used achievement test in comprehensive evaluations.

What is the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test?


Component 4 for Massachusetts SLD Eligibility

What is an Observation?