Who We Are
General Information
Behavior Expectation
Health Services

Upholding high expectations builds self-discipline, self-respect, and self-reliance.

What is the "U" in Spectrum? 


It is dangerous to move about while in motion 

What is an expectation of riding the bus. 


The adoption of replication of ideas or words or statements of another person without due acknowledgment.

What is plagiarism?

Disciplinary action may be taken against students for any behavior that disrupts order, violates school policy, or violates the rights of others. Rules of conduct apply to a person while in school, on school grounds, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored or related activity. 

What are the rules of conduct?

Students who are sick or feeling sick must always report to this before contacting parents or leaving the building. 

What is the health office?


Achieved through rigorous coursework, targeted support, and individual determination. 

What is College and Career readiness? 


The driver is in full charge of bus and riders at all times

What is an expectation regarding bus riding.


First Offense:  The document/s in question will be confiscated and the student will be shown evidence of academic dishonesty. The teacher will report the situation to Administration and contact the parent. If the alleged incident of academic dishonesty is verified, an automatic zero may be given and one hour of detention assigned.   

Second Offense: An automatic zero may be given. Parents will be contacted and an appointment will be made with Administration. In school suspension may be assigned.   

Third Offense:  An automatic zero may be given. Parents will be contacted and up to a three-day suspension may be assigned.

What are the consequences of academic dishonesty?


Any student disregarding or refusing to follow directions given by school personnel, refusing to identify oneself or falsely identifying oneself to a staff member (including substitute teachers and volunteers), may be dismissed early or assigned up to a 5-day suspension, and the parent/guardian will be notified. Repeated or extreme occurrences may result in a recommendation for expulsion or referral to an alternative educational setting. Police may also be called when necessary.

What is insubordination?


This is required from parents/guardians for students to be released for appointments. 

What is a written notice, email or phone call?


To be a leading college preparatory school of choice committed to high standards and exceptional programming. 

What is Spectrum's vision statement?  


Any school related activity outside of class time

What is an extracurricular/co-curricular activity?


1. Meet the MSHL requirements

2. Promote, hold students accountable for, and assist students in their academic success

3. Help students to self-advocate

What are the goals of Spectrum's academic eligibility policy?


1st offense:  Student given option to change or sent home. 

2nd offense: Parents contacted.. Change clothing item or sent home.  

3rd offense: Parent contacted. Detention. Change clothing item or sent home. 

*Continued violations will result in further disciplinary action. 

What is are the consequences for Dress Code infractions?

ALL medicine must be kept here. 
What is the health clerk? 

Engagement in learning and challenging coursework lead to increased self-confidence and high academic achievement.

What is the "E" in "SPECTRUM"? 


Food and drink are only permitted during _________ in the cafeteria. 

What is meal times?


Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic assignment without acknowledgment

What is cheating?


1st offense: Warning. Possible detention. Parent contact. 

2nd offense: Detention or ISS.  

3rd offense: ISS or possible out of school suspension. 

What are the consequences for disrespectful/disruptive behavior/horseplay?


Dental and medical appointments are encouraged to be scheduled at this time. 

What is during non-school hours? 


To equip students with knowledge, skills, and attributes to successfully navigate the college and career of their choice and positively impact the world around them. 

What is Spectrum's Mission Statement?

Parents/guardians needing to contact their student in an emergency should call ___________

what is the school office?


Any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. 

What is academic dishonesty?


1st offense: Item confiscated. Give back to student at end of day. 

2nd offense: Item confiscated. Parent contacted. Detention and parent picks up item. 

3rd offense: Item confiscated. Parent contacted. Dismissal or possible suspension. Daily check in of item to office. 

What are the consequences for improper use of electronic devices?

Cares for minor injuries, dispenses necessary medications, and provides assistance for students who come down with minor illnesses while at school. 

What is the health clerk?