Historical Perspective
Educational Assessment
Families with Children with Disabilities
Inclusive Practices in Schools

Was IQ was considered "sub-average" by 1961?

What is anything below 85?


In the fight for Civil Rights in the 1940s and 1950s, this court case was monumental and helped with later protections of people with disabilities. 

What is Brown v The Board of Education?


What must be created after a child is determined to have a disability or needs special education?

What is an IEP?


Three types of roles can be adopted by families when they have someone with a disability they care for, what is one of these roles?

What is families as teachers, parents as educators, and parents as advocates


This student requires captions when watching videos in class as an aid through their IEP

What is hearing impairment or attention deficits?


"Subnormality" is considered to be an IQ of lower than what?

What is lower than 100?


What state was the first to pass a compulsory education law? 

Rhode Island


This is an example of what is necessary when IEP meetings are beginning to be scheduled..  

contact everyone involved(parents), notify parents early enough they can attend, schedule the meeting at a time and place that is agreeable to the parents and the school, tell the parents the purpose time, and location of the meeting, tell the parents who will be attending the meeting, or/and tell the parents that they may invite people to the meeting who have knowledge or special expertise about the child 


These subsystems all fall into key familial systems that have important roles in families with disabilities. What is at least one of these subsystems?

What are family, marital, and sibling?


This student requires the use of a wheelchair or another type of mobility aid at school

What is a mobility disability? 


After 1959, the AAMD Manual on Terminology and Classification suggested a three-tiered system of classification for those with an IQ under 50, what was this terminology? 

What is moderately, severely, and profoundly?


This section of the Rehabilitation of 1973 was a direction declaration of civil rights for handicapped persons in the US. 

What is Section 504?


When should the child be reevaluated?

When is at least every three years?


In the video and lecture from Diana Carson, she and her family spent over three years fighting to have him released from an institution that was treating him poorly. A phrase that became synonymous with freedom for her brother, Joaquin, was what?

What is I like Steak!


What measurement of evaluation is not and should not be used as an acceptable form of evaluation of a students educational abilities?

What is IQ testing?


By 1971, "educable" students were determined to be able to reach what grade level by their late teens?

Bonus Question:  What grade level was this considered to be before this?

What is 6th grade?

Bonus Points: What is 4th grade?


This Wisconsin Supreme Court case ruled that the schools had the right to exclude a child who went through public school up until fifth grade. 

What is Beattie v The Board of Education?


What was the first federal law that entitled all children to special education?  

Education for All Handicapped Children Act(1975)


This Journalist went into Willowbrook and exposed the horrors of how the children were being treated and the lack of care they were receiving. 

Who is Geraldo Rivera?


What federal law allows for modifications in the general education classroom?

What is IDEA?


Which country in 1959 created a law that incorporated the principle of normalization that said "letting the mentally retarded obtain an existence as close to normal as possible."?

What is Denmark?


This court case was brought forward to access education for disabled children while a district was accused of ignoring and pushing aside the disabled children in the school.

Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens v Pennsylvania (1972)


List one or all of the three related services covered under IDEA(2004)

1. Physical Therapy 

2. Mobility Services 

3. Development delays 


In the 25 Years After Willowbrook documentary, Louie's brother told their story about Louie's time in Willowbrook and the oppression they as a Puerto Rican family experienced. What two types of oppression did this family experience during their time?

What is racism and ableism?


Within the documentary, Including Samuel, Emily Huff was a girl with schizophrenia who was struggling through school and her doctor had one suggestion that her mom didn't want to pursue till there was no other option, what was this?

What is removal from public school and entrance into a specific learning environment for her?