Prefixes- Meanings
Context Clues 1
Context Clues- Hard
Making Inferences 1
Making Inferences 2
What does the prefix tri- mean? (Ex. triangle, triplet, tricycle)



Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the word italicized.

Everyone wanted Hawaiian pizza but Timothy because he detested vegetables.

To strongly dislike


Inquisitive: Some people think that my little brother is annoying because he asks so many questions, but I think that he just has an inquisitive nature.

inclined to ask questions


asmine did not want to go, but Ginger was clearly very excited.  It was rainy out, so Jasmine put on her raincoat and her rain boots while Ginger waited impatiently by the door.  Finally, Jasmine grabbed the leash and out they went.

What can you infer about Ginger?  What makes you think so? 

Ginger is a dog.


The girl saved all her money. It was exactly what she wanted. She imagined gliding down the road pedaling effortlessly. She finally had enough money to make her dream come true.

What was her dream? 

To buy a bike


What does the prefix pre- mean?



Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the word italicized.

Tracy didn't know that Kimora was coming along on the fishing trip, and now he had to alter his plans.



writhe: After being bitten by snake, the cowboy writhed in pain on the ground.

to twist (the body or a bodily part) in pain

200"  Dad said.  

No one moved.  Dad looked at the small screen in front of him.  "Pretty good, but Janie's eyes are closed.  Let's try it again.  Everyone ready?"

What is dad doing?

Taking a picture


"How on earth do people eat with these things?  Can't I just ask for a fork?" Matty asked.

"Try holding them like this," his father suggested. "You'll get better with practice."

What is Matty trying to do?

eat with chopsticks


What does the prefix Cent- mean? (Cent, centipede, century)

one hundred


Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the word italicized.

When Areyanna got a tiny cut on her pinky finger, she got all melodramatic and began crying and asking for a doctor.

Over dramatic, over the top, doing the most


Emphatic: Her parents really wanted her to attend the local university, but Shaniqua argued her case so emphatically and with such great passion, that her parents gave Shaniqua their consent.

tending to express oneself in forceful speech or to take decisive action


RJ liked the first pair better, but they were a little uncomfortable.  The second pair wasn't as cool, but they fit much better.   He decided to buy the second pair because he would be wearing them nearly every day.

What do you think RJ is buying?



"Cannonball!" Clark yelled.

Suddenly, Mackenzie, her towel, and the magazine she was reading were soaking wet.  She picked up her soggy belongings and stomped off toward the exit.

Where is Mackenzie?

at the pool


What does re- mean? (rewind, repeat) 



Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the word italicized.

As Adela walked home with the money she had stolen from Ms. Chatman, powerful feelings of remorse bubbled in her stomach.

Guilt or regret, to feel bad


Mark Twain is the pseudonym of the American writer Samuel L. Clemens. 

What do you think pseudonym means?

a fictitious  (fake) name


hey weren't on the hook by the phone and they weren't in her purse.  Mrs. Moore checked the pockets of the jacket she'd wore the day before, but they weren't there either.  She looked at her watch and realized she would be late for work if she didn't leave soon.

What is Mrs. Moore looking for?



"Well, what do you think?" Ally asked.

"Wow, it's really short!  You look like a whole different person," Trevor replied.

"I wanted something really different.  I've had the same style my whole life."

What are Trevor and Ally talking about?

her new haircut


What does the prefix mis- mean? ( mistake, misfire, misplace) 



Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the word italicized.

Tashad thought he heard a faint scratching noise, but he figured it might just be in his head.

A light sound, very soft, hardly noticeable


The massive onslaught of aggressive enemy troops caught the country by surprise.

What do you think onslaught means?

What context clues did you use?

an especially fierce attack 

Context clues: troops, aggressive, enemy


"Thanks for cleaning off the whiteboard, Joey," said Mrs. Moore.  

"Sure thing," Joey replied as he grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. "See you tomorrow morning."

Where do you think Joey and Mrs. Moore are?

Classroom or school


Tommy looked at all the people on the other side of the bars.  They were all watching him.  Some of them waved or called out.  Then he finished his banana and climbed higher in the tree.

What can you infer about Tommy?

He's a monkey